Second Baccalaureate Degree

To obtain a second Bachelor’s degree in a major different from that of the first degree conferred, a student must:

1. Develop an appropriate plan of study comprised of at least 30 semester hours of courses that do not duplicate those constituting the major(s) of the first degree.

2. Obtain approval of the plan of study from the department of the proposed new major, and the Provost.

3. Successfully complete at least 30 semester hours in residence at Muskingum University beyond the first degree, including a capstone experience and half of the hours for the major.

2019-2020 General Education Requirements

General Education in the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum

The General Education (referred to as gen ed) Requirements at Muskingum University ensure the breadth inherent in a liberal arts education.

2021-2021 Degree Requirements

Three undergraduate degrees are offered. Majors in nursing receive the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Qualified adult undergraduate degree completers earn the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in six health-related majors (Community Health and Wellness, Healthcare Management, Health Science, Medical Laboratory Studies, Occupational Science, and Sport and Fitness Science), in three business-related majors (Business Management, Marketing, and Human Resource Management), and in the information systems major offered through the Muskingum Adult Program (MAP).

Catalog of Entry

Undergraduate students who complete graduation requirements in four years are under the catalog in effect at the time of first enrollment. Students may elect to meet the graduation requirements of a later catalog, subject to guidelines of professionally-accredited disciplines.

Students who do not meet graduation requirements within seven calendar years of first enrollment must meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of graduation or of a catalog published no more than four years earlier than the time of graduation.

Academic Standards Policy

Muskingum University students are expected to maintain a minimum semester and cumulative GPA of 2.0. The term “semester” refers to the most recently completed semester; the term “cumulative” refers to all work completed at Muskingum University.

Academic Probation

A student whose semester and/or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation.

Academic Credit and Class Standing

Academic credit is expressed in terms of semester hours. A student’s classification is determined by the number of credit hours completed toward graduation. The minimum number for each classification is: sophomore–28, junior–60, and senior–92.


New students entering in the fall are scheduled for classes during the summer; new students entering in the spring are scheduled for classes beginning in early December. Continuing students schedule their classes for the next semester in the latter part of the current semester. Changes (add/drop) may be made to schedules at any time until the end of the fifth day of class.

*Adult undergraduate degree completers should refer to the MAP Guidebook.

Full Time Status

The minimum semester load for a full-time student is 12 semester hours; the maximum load is 20 hours. Students with less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA must petition the Provost to register for more than 17 hours no later than the second week of classes. Full-time status is determined at the end of the add/drop period, after which time course withdrawals have no effect on full-time status with regard to charges for tuition and fees. Full-time status is required, however, for participation in a sport. Other areas of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities may also be impacted.

Commencement Policy

Seniors planning to graduate must apply no later than 8 weeks prior to the date of Commencement.  Students who fail to apply by this deadline may incur additional fees and/or may not be permitted to participate in commencement exercises.  The Application to Graduate is found on Muskie Link.

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