Academic Dishonesty, Plagiarism

Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are serious offenses at Muskingum University, and the faculty member has the prerogative of invoking the severest penalty for an initial offense. Each department is responsible for developing its definition of plagiarism, but in general, plagiarism is the verbal, written, graphic, or three-dimensional presentation of borrowed material without citing its source. Students must cite the source for quotations, paraphrases, borrowed ideas, models, information, or organization of material.

Student Responsibility

The student is responsible for meeting all appropriate course, major, and graduation requirements as stated in this catalog. Although a student and an advisor are partners, the student needs to be knowledgeable about academic requirements and take the initiative in planning his or her own program, in setting goals, and in monitoring progress toward completing such goals.

Grading Policy

Grades are assigned on a scale ranging from A, excellent, to F, failing. The grades’ equivalent quality points are: A, 4.00; A-, 3.67; B+, 3.33; B, 3.00; B-, 2.67; C+, 2.33; C, 2.00; C-, 1.67; D+, 1.33; D, 1.00; D-, 0.67; and F, 0.00. Other grades are WIP, for work in progress; I, incomplete; S, satisfactory (C- or above); U, unsatisfactory (D+ or below); W, withdrawn; L, audit; and NR, not reported.

Course Withdrawals

Students may withdraw from full semester courses through the 60th day of the semester, and from partial semester offerings until the course is three-fourths completed. Withdrawals are not permitted after the specified time.

The process for course withdrawal is initiated in the Registrar’s office.

*Adult undergraduate degree completers should refer to the MAP Guidebook.

Grade Point Average

Your semester grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned (grade equivalent quality points times credit hours for the course) that semester by the total amount of graded credit hours attempted that semester. Your grade point average may range from 0.0 to a 4.0. P/NP (Pass/No Pass) courses are not factored in the GPA. The following marks do not receive grade points and do not have an effect on the GPA: I, WIP, S, U, W, L, and NR.

Course Repeat Policy

A student may repeat a course once if the original grade is a C- or lower and provided it is repeated at the next offering, or provided that no more than one intervening course has been taken in the discipline offering the course. A course may be repeated only one time. When a course is repeated, both grades remain on the record but only the most recent grade is used in computing the grade point average unless the most recent grade is I, WIP, or W.

Order of Appeal

Faculty members are responsible for outlining grading policies to students at the beginning of each course. If students believe they have received a wrong grade on an examination or for a course, the initial step is to discuss the grade directly with the faculty member teaching the course. If that step does not result in a satisfactory explanation or resolution of the perceived problem, the student may bring the matter to the attention of the department chair.


Official copies of Muskingum University transcripts bearing the University seal and the Registrar’s signature are sent directly to schools or organizations upon the request of students or alumni. Individuals may also receive official copies of the transcript (which are stamped “Issued to Student”) following the same ordering process. Students may request transcripts by going to:

Auditing Courses

Auditing is subject to space availability. For full-time traditional students, there is no charge to audit, but permission must be received from the Registrar, the faculty advisor, and the course instructor. The decision to audit a class must be on file with the Registrar by the end of the add/drop period and cannot be changed. Non-attendance results in a grade of W. Those over 62 years of age may audit a course under the same regulations. Part-time students are charged a fee to audit.

*Adult undergraduate degree completers should refer to the MAP Guidebook.

Transferring Courses

Credit toward a degree from Muskingum University may be granted for coursework taken at other regionally accredited institutions. On the basis of official transcripts and course descriptions, equivalency, elective credit, or no credit is determined in consultation with chairs of the various departments. Muskingum adheres to the Ohio Transfer and Articulation Policy. Requirements of specific majors or programs may be more stringent. Transfer credit is not accepted for courses for which previous credit has already been granted.

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