Academic Programs &
Pre-Professional Studies

Muskingum University offers a wide choice of academic majors designed to help you prepare for postgraduate study or direct entry into the workplace.

In addition to programs in the traditional arts and sciences, Muskingum offers a variety of interdisciplinary majors, pre-professional preparation and teacher licensure programs that enable you to tailor your education to your interests.

Please note that some majors (denoted with *) are available only in the Muskingum Adult Program (MAP) for transfer students with approved credentials.

Each of the links below leads to a subject area page, from which you can access a variety of information related to that major, including links to the department web pages.


* These majors are available only to transfer students with approved academic preparation/credentials. Courses are offered through the Muskingum Adult Program (MAP) online.

** Muskingum University offers programs that lead to licensure or certification.  These programs prepare students for licensure or certification based on the requirements set by the State of Ohio.  Students who plan to seek licensure or certification in other states will need to contact that State Licensure Board for specific requirements. Please visit the link to the Professional Licensure Directory here:

*** Students may construct a self-designed interdisciplinary major in an area of professional preparation or academic interest not currently available in the curriculum. (Requires faculty approval.)

Minor Only

NOTE: Students may minor in most of the majors listed. The programs listed above exist only as minors.

Pre-Professional Preparation

  • Pre-Law
  • Pre-Health Programs including:
    • Pre-Athletic Training
    • Pre-Dentistry
    • Pre-Med
    • Pre-Occupational Therapy
    • Pre-Optometry
    • Pre-Pharmacy
    • Pre-Physical Therapy
    • Pre-Physician's Assistant
    • Pre-Vet
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