Students get a 'taste' of the 1950s at Vintage Dinner Party

Vintage Dinner Party

Muskingum students experienced a taste of the 1950s as part of Associate Professor of History Dr. Karen Dunak's "Vintage Dinner Party" in the Roberta A. Smith University Library colloquium. Attendees indulged in entrees and desserts, listened to music and reviewed games and cookbooks, all inspired from the 1950s.

A Life Well Lived: Muskingum University celebrates the life of Annie Castor Glenn ’42

From Dr. Susan S. Hasseler, President of Muskingum University

With our deepest respect and greatest admiration, Muskingum University remembers Anna Castor Glenn today. The world knew Annie Glenn as the childhood sweetheart and wife for more than seven decades of pioneering astronaut and four-term Senator John H. Glenn, Jr., and as an inspirational public advocate for people with communicative disorders.

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