NASA pioneer encourages graduates to persist at 173rd commencement

Celebrated NASA pioneer and internationally-known researcher Dr. Christine Mann Darden encouraged Muskingum University’s Class of 2018 to adopt a formula that helped her break new scientific ground and ultimately become the first African-American woman promoted into the Senior Executive Service at NASA Langley Research Center.

She called it P— perceive, plan, prepare, and persist.

2018 graduate degree recipients encouraged to continue quest for knowledge

One of the most important high school achievements that Dr. Vicki Wilson encourages her students to put on their resumes is being an Eagle Scout.

“To become an Eagle Scout, you have to do a lot of things — you have to go camping, learn emergency preparedness and first aid, and interact with the environment,” she said to a crowd of excited Muskingum University graduate degree recipients and their families.

“But it’s really about the badges.”

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