Dr. Lisa Marshall Receives National Recognition

Muskingum University Associate Professor of Communication Lisa Marshall ’03 was recognized with the national Excellence in Advising Award at the National Student Electronic Media Convention.

Sponsored by College Broadcasters, Inc., the convention was held in Baltimore, Maryland from October 26-29, 2022.

Samuel Pollock '26, Seth Roseberry '23, Bryce Ceculski '25, and Kailyn Shalosky '24 attended the conference with Dr. Marshall.

The Arts: Student Talents Highlight Fall Semester

Muskingum University students in majors across the campus are highlighting the Fall 2022 Semester with multiple opportunities to share their talents in theatre productions, musical performances, and the visual arts, and to learn alongside faculty, staff, and regional guest artists.

Theatre Productions

New Podcast Features Alumni Keys to Academic Success

Muskingum University Educational Support Specialist Linda Hatfield and students in the Audio Production class taught by Associate Professor of Communication Lisa Marshall ’03 have created a new podcast, “Linda’s Keys to Academic Success.”

The podcast was designed for students enrolled in the first-year Keys to Academic Success course, which introduces a variety of academic skills necessary to succeed in college.

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