
Partner With Us

You can make a difference in the lives of our students!

Offer a Micro-Internship

Micro-Internships offer an opportunity to engage with students on short-term, paid, professional assignments. Employers can offer short-term projects specifically to Muskingum students. Not only does this help the student, but it also allows employers to get immediate support on tasks for which they may not have the time, expertise, or resources to complete on their own.

Parker Dewey makes it easy for employers to determine the types of projects they can offer to Muskingum students and will guide employers step-by-step through the applicant selection process to the finished project!

Click here for more information about how micro-internships fit in for alumni/employers and visit the Parker Dewey/Muskingum Employer Connections page.

Make a Gift

Give a monetary gift to the Impact Center. Your contribution will support Impact Center programs, resources, and high impact student experiences

To make your contribution you will be directed to our Muskingum Fund page. In the amount box, enter your contribution amount and select other as your gift designation. Enter Impact Center in the Notes/Special Instructions box.

Volunteer Opportunities

We host job fairs and other job seeking opportunities for our students throughout the year, as well as learning events for students. If you would like the opportunity to come to Muskingum University campus to connect with students, please fill out this form and our staff will be in contact with you shortly.

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