Muskingum News


Two students earn scholarships from the Ohio Foreign Language Association
Walter Hall

Two Muskingum University students have earned three scholarships from the Ohio Foreign Language Association (OFLA).

Curtis Justis ’14, a French licensure major; was the only student in the state of Ohio to receive a scholarship to support his study abroad at the Université du Sud Toulon-Var in France next fall. During his time in France, he will study French civilization and language.

In addition, he and Matt Mayforth ’12, a German and Spanish licensure major, have both received scholarships to attend the OFLA conference in Columbus in late March. With the scholarship support, they will attend sessions on a variety of topics related to their teaching interests, and will also preside over other sessions.

The students’ nominations were supported by the faculty of the Department of World Languages at Muskingum and its chair, Associate Professor of French Dr. Jean Morris, and Professor of Education Dr. Rae Harriott-White.

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