Human Relations and Risk Management

Title IX Administrative Procedures

This page provides a summary about how a Title IX report is processed. Full information is available in the Title IX Policy.

In general, when a report is made to the Title IX Coordinator, it is considered an informal report. 

  • The Title IX Coordinator will meet with the Complainant to discuss the nature of the informal report, options for resolution, supportive measures, and the University's policy prohibiting retaliation.
  • While a report may be resolved as an informal report, to proceed with the Formal Grievance Process, the Complainant or the Title IX Coordinator must complete and sign a written Formal Complaint.  
  • The Title IX Coordinator will provide notice to the Respondent of the Formal Complaint.
  • The Title IX Coordinator will assign qualified investigators to investigate the report.
  • Following investigation, the case will proceed to a hearing before an independent hearing officer.
    • If the Respondent is found responsible for a policy violation, sanctions will be issued. 
    • If the Respondent is found not responsible for a policy violation, the parties will resume all normal activities, but a no contact order will remain in place.
  • At any time in the Formal Grievance Process, the parties may request an Informal Resolution, which may mean mediation.  They also may rescind the Informal Resolution process and return to the Formal Grievance Process.


Disclaimer: The content of this webpage is designed to provide general guidance, which does not create, modify, or rescind any provision of the University’s policies. Any questions may be clarified by reading the Title IX Policy or by contacting the Assistant Vice President for Human Relations & Risk Management, who has been designated as the University’s Title IX Coordinator.  

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