Business Office

University Financial Information

The University shall, during normal business hours, make available for public inspection, the following:

Form 990, "Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax," including all schedules, attachments and supporting documentation, but excluding the names and addresses of contributors set forth on Schedule B.

Copies of those documents must be made available for public inspection and shall be provided immediately in the case of in-person requests, and within thirty (30) days in the case of written requests via mail, e-mail, or facsimile. 

A reasonable copying fee plus actual postage, if any, may be charged, and be required to be paid upfront;  provided,  however,  the  University must provide timely notice of the approximate cost and acceptable form of payment within seven (7) days of receipt of the request. Acceptable forms of payment include cash and money order (in the case of an in-person request) and certified check, money order, and personal check or credit card (in the case of a written request).

Costs for copies are $1.00 for the first page and 15ยข for each additional page plus the cost of actual postage and must be received before the information is sent. The 990 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 is 86 pages, or $13.75. Priority mail would cost $9.65 to send to most locations.

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