Seth Cosens

Seth Cosens is in his 31st year of teaching Business Education at Susquehanna Valley High School (Conklin, NY). And his 30th year as Boy’s Head track and field coach. His son, Tanner, was a four-year letter-winner on the Binghamton University Men's Lacrosse team. As a senior, he was a team captain. Tanner is currently completing his degree work in anthropology and is a member of the BU Men's Lacrosse coaching staff. 11/17

Seth Cosens is in his 31st year of teaching Business Education at Susquehanna Valley High School (Conklin, NY). And his 30th year as Boy’s Head track and field coach. His son, Tanner, was a four-year letter-winner on the Binghamton University Men's Lacrosse team. As a senior, he was a team captain. Tanner is currently completing his degree work in anthropology and is a member of the BU Men's Lacrosse coaching staff.

Year of Muskingum Undergraduate Degree
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