Pre-K Special Needs Endorsement
Designed to offer the birth-Pre-K special educator (birth through age 5) a solid foundation in child development exceptionalities and a background to facilitate the use of developmentally appropriate practice in inclusive classrooms. The Pre-Kindergarten Special Needs Endorsement may be issued to an individual who holds a prekindergarten certificate, or special certificate for education of the handicapped, or early childhood or intervention specialist license.
Core Courses (13 Credit Hours)
EDUC 605 Leading and Learning in a Culture of Change (3)
EDUC 606 Invitational and Inclusive Education (3)
EDUC 608* Critical Pedagogy: The Transformational Educator (1)
MOLP 782 Informed Decision Making (3)
Choose One of the Following:
EDUC 700 Research Seminar & Project (3)
EDUC 710 Practitioner Seminar and Project (3)
Professional Education Courses (24 Credit Hours)
EDUC 528* Learning Differences and Exceptionalities (3)
EDUC 550 Educational Psychology (3)
EDUC 592* Administration of Early Childhood Programs (3)
EDUC 593* Primary Education (3)
EDUC 595* Young Children with Special Needs I (3)
EDUC 596* Assessment for Early Intervention (3)
EDUC 597* Young Children with Special Needs II (3)
EDUC 598* Young Children with Intensive Needs (3)
Reading Courses (6 Credit Hours)
ASK YOUR ADVISOR: previous reading coursework may satisfy requirements
EDUC 520* Language, Literacy and Communication (3)
EDUC 521 Phonics and the Reading Process (3)
Clinical Practice Courses (4 Credit Hours)
EDUC 547 Intervention Specialist Seminar (1)
EDUC 688 Intervention Specialist Clinical Practice (3)
*Additional field hours required
For a complete listing of MAE requirements, policies and procedures please refer to the Graduate Catalog (pdf).