Graduate Teacher Education
Professional Development

Professional Development

Designed for Coaches & Teachers: Earn hours to renew your teaching license


Your career at your convenience. 

  • Immediate application for classroom teaching and on-field coaching
  • ONLY $230 for 1 Credit Hour
  • Earn Hours to Maintain Your Teaching License
  • On-demand and Online
  • 4-weeks self-paced (Once you start a course, you have 4 weeks to complete it)

Our courses are designed to fit into your busy schedule; allowing you to earn credit to maintain your teaching license while learning relevant and meaningful content that will equip you for both the classroom and coaching. Topics include:

  • Exploring alternative techniques to motivate your students and reduce their stress
  • Learning more about nutrition; how it impacts your students’ performance in the classroom and in sports
  • Gaining a better understanding of how the mind and emotions impact your students

For more information, contact Graduate Studies at 740-826-8038 or


Alternative Trends in Successful Coaching & Teaching Techniques 
Course Description – Includes Courses 1139, 1140 & 1141

In teaching and coaching, we see firsthand the negative impact that stress can have on the performance of our students and student athletes. Great coaches are great teachers and use all the techniques that science teaches to get peak performance out of their students/athletes. In this workshop, we will investigate ways to use the power of the human brain to help students stay focused and relaxed. Through an exploration of various techniques, including the use of color and music, we’ll learn how to make a big difference in the successful execution during classroom testing or the state championships. 

Course # EDUC 580-N1139 
Alternative Trends in Successful Coaching Teaching Techniques: Dealing with Stress 
As a teacher and coach, you understand that stress can (ruin) destroy an otherwise strong performance. Understanding how to help students deal with stress is essential in helping them to do their best. This workshop focuses on ways to deal with stressful situations and how to overcome the negative influences that hinder top performance.

Course # EDUC 580-N1140 
Alternative Trends in Successful Coaching Teaching Techniques: Understanding and Addressing Biofeedback 
Self-awareness – both physical and mental – is important to our students’ success.
When we hear what the body is saying, we can respond with our best efforts. Preparing for any endeavor requires proper warm up mentally and physically. This workshop examines the most recent brain science which points to a new approach to getting prepared for competition in or out of the classroom.

Course # EDUC 580-N1141 
Alternative Trends in Successful Coaching Teaching Techniques: Influencing the Power of Positive 
Anyone in life can be negative; but to do one’s best, it’s the positive that must prevail. Helping students and student athletes understand that negativity can only yield negative results is critical. “The power of the positive” rearranges the thinking patterns to the positive side of performance. The brain responds to appropriate sensory input in powerful ways. Taking advantage of the nose---the sense of smell--- to enhance performance outcomes is one small, often overlooked technique that can benefit your students and student athletes.

The Psychology of Peak Performance
Course Description – Includes Courses 1142, 1143 & 1144

Understanding the importance of mental training to support our students’ peak performance in the classroom and on the playing field is the focus of this workshop series. In each of these workshops, teachers and coaches alike will benefit from learning various techniques for using the practical application of brain science to improve student performance.

Course # EDUC 580-N1142 
The Psychology of Peak Performance: Thinking to Win…Winning Within ….Athletic and Academic Success
Teaching individuals to “think” is far more involved than most understand. The process of “thinking appropriately” for the given challenge at hand MUST be taught or coached…it doesn’t come naturally. This set of presentations takes you through a fresh approach to motivating students & athletes to pay attention to their thinking process in order to achieve successful results. Don’t ever assume that those under your direction know how to properly “think”.

Course # EDUC 580-N1143
The Psychology of Peak Performance: Time to Get Better…Out of Sight/ Out of Mind
Success is based upon many factors. The power of the mind will “make or break” the performances of any individual. Taking charge of the mind is the ultimate challenge for great teachers or great coaches. Helping students and student athletes harness that power doesn’t have to be mind-boggling. A sample approach using the sport of volleyball will help you incorporate these brain-training approaches.

Course # EDUC 580-N 1144
The Psychology of Peak Performance: Mind Games…Mental Tool Box
All playing field and classroom activities require a keen focus on the essentials of good thinking in order for our students to wind up in the winning column. This workshop will challenge you to think in a new way as you teach and coach. Using the sport of swimming as an example, we will learn ways to adapt these techniques for immediate application to your teaching or coaching needs.

Nutritional Foundations for Better Performance
Course Description – Includes Courses 1145, 1146 & 1147

This course is designed to expand the student's knowledge beyond general dietary concerns to include the nutritional needs of the physically and mentally active. Special emphasis is placed on maximizing training and performance with consideration given to the positive and negative impacts associated with a variety of diets and dietary supplements. This workshop discusses the science behind nutrition and the nutritional concepts needed by students and student athletes at any level of learning and performance. The principles required for a solid understanding of good nutrition fundamentals as well as cutting-edge nutritional concepts that will maximize performance success are at the core of this exploration. A study in dietary supplements, how they work, precautionary advice and the safety issues involved is discussed and examined in relation to available current research.

Course # EDUC 580-N1145
Nutritional Foundations for Better Performance: Energy & Fuel…Understanding How Hydration & Fluid Balance Impact Learning and Athletic Performance
Taking advantage of nutritional science to improve performance is often overlooked by teachers & coaches alike. The value of understanding nutritional basics and some of the latest science to aid the body in all aspects of bettering mental and physical responsiveness is critical.

Course # EDUC 580-N1146
Nutritional Foundations for Better Performance: Understanding How Carbohydrates, Fats & Proteins Impact Learning and Athletic Performance 
Misunderstandings of the crucial function of basic nutrients can make or break the classroom or athletic endeavors of any student. The workshop examines how new research is improving our understanding of the time-tested basics of quality nutrition and its importance. We will also explore creative new approaches for enhancing the intellectual and physical performance of our students and student athletes. 

Course # EDUC 580-N1147
Nutritional Foundations for Better Performance: Understanding How Vitamins, Minerals… Nutritional Supplements Impact Learning and Athletic Performance 
BEWARE! While there is no doubt that proper nutritional supplementation is a huge advantage to those who use the evolving science of nutrition wisely, we must always remember that “more” is not necessarily better. Students and student athletes need to be aware of the many new discoveries that evidence-based nutritional science brings our way and use it for better performance. This workshop looks at some of the newest breakthrough information that will lend a winning edge to any challenge at hand.

Course # EDUC 580-N1321
Building Student Leadership
Student Leadership, such a hot topic today, but what actually does “Student Leadership” mean?  Student leadership is something that has to be fostered with intention.   Building student leadership is a goal most educators have, as instilling leadership skills enhance student lives as well as everyone around them both inside and outside the classroom.  This course will give you an array of ideas and strategies that will assist you while you instill, generate, and strengthen leadership skills in yourself as well as your students.

Course # EDUC 580-N1322
Help Students Self Regulate through Mindfulness, Yoga, Stress Reduction and Calming Sensory Activities
Research shows that students than can self-regulate are able to make greater gains academically, socially and emotionally.  Using theory and practice which includes mindfulness, yoga, stress reduction and calming sensory activities, this will provide an abundance of strategies to quiet the mind and open it to learning.  These self-regulation strategies can be implemented with the typical as well as students with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD anxiety, depression and other socio-emotional problems.

Course # EDUC 580-N1451
How to Deal With Student Anxiety
With the increase in pressure put on our children today, Anxiety disorders are on the rise. Until a child receives formal treatment, classroom teachers, school counselors, coaches and club advisors are left to use their own resourcefulness and basic accommodations to support anxious children. There are a number of different types of anxiety that children present with including: Generalized anxiety, Separation anxiety disorder, Panic disorder, Social anxiety disorder, Phobias and Post-traumatic stress disorder. This course will provide you with strategies and resources to add to your toolbox to help your anxious students be more successful in the school setting. 

Course # EDUC 580-N1452
Helping Students and Staff Develop a Growth Mindset for Success
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to navigate their way through life more successfully than others? In this course, you will learn about the research collected by Stanford University’s Carol Dweck that indicates having a growth mindset can help you become more positive and motivated, leading to more opportunities for success. You will also evaluate and analyze your own mindset and learn powerful skills and strategies to help your students and staff develop a growth mindset that will set the stage for them to grow and thrive—throughout life!

Course # EDUC 580-N1453
D.A.R.E. is Dead: Compassionate teaching in the age of Opioid drug abuse
It’s estimated that 25 percent of the youth under age 18 are exposed to family drug abuse or dependence. Research shows that children in this environment are more likely to develop depression or anxiety in adolescence and use alcohol or other drugs early on. Having a parent who is addicted to drugs or alcohol can lead to lifelong problems if the child or teen doesn’t get help and support. In homes where one or more adults abuse drugs or alcohol, children are approximately twice as likely to develop addictive disorders themselves. In Ohio last year overdoes death increased from 3,050 in 2012 to 4,050 last year, and fentanyl and related drugs were involved in 58.2 percent of them. Schools and teachers need a way to combat the devastating effects of this epidemic. Just say no does not work. This course will examine ways to personally and systematically support our students. Participants will construct a plan, based on research that proves successful to systematically address this issue in their school district.  

Course # EDUC 580-N1454
Pushing In and Getting Along: Enhancing your co-teaching
Content teachers are more and more frequently finding themselves pat of ta partnership with both intervention specialist and ESL teachers. Too often, this happen without prior planning or the opportunity to really get to know a partner. When this happens, teachers may feel the “marriage” is not working. This course will examine ways to make this work despite differing philosophies, large classes and no shared planning time.

Course # EDUC 580-N1455
What do I Do with Raul? Language strategies for content teachers
Throughout the state, more than 35,000 English Language Learners are enrolled in Ohio Public schools. These students are the fastest growing population of school ae children in the United States and in Ohio. With a 182 % increase in immigrant students in the last 10 years. Despite the increase in population in both urban and rural areas, teachers are generally unprepared for students who do not speak English or speak very little English. This course will give immediate and practical suggestions for teachers in content areas to begin addressing the needs and bridging the gap for EL students.

Course # EDUC 580-N1456
Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom
Our classrooms, at every level, are becoming increasingly diverse. Our students represent a multitude of culture backgrounds. As such, it is very important that we ensure that each student’s cultural and linguistic background is represented in the classroom environment, the teaching methods, and the educational materials we use. In addition, culturally and linguistically diverse students should feel included in and empowered by the education they receive. Culturally responsive classrooms take into consideration the racial, ethic, linguistic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds of students in order to foster an environment where all students have the same access to education and truly feel part of the academic experience 

Minds In Motion Workshop Series
This workshop series focuses on maximizing performance in the classroom and on the playing field by teaching students and athletes to pay attention to their thinking process. These courses will challenge you to think in new ways as you teach and coach. In each of these workshops, teachers and coaches will benefit from the newest applications of brain science and practical approaches to improve performance.

Course # EDUC 580-N1470
Mentally Strong: Why Winners Win
As teachers or coaches, we assume that our students and athletes know how to think - don’t ! The process of learning how “to think” is very similar in learning how “to win”. Both take practice. Whether in a classroom or on the playing field, this workshop examines and applies the most current brain science to improve performance through effective thinking techniques.

Course # EDUC 580-N1471
Maximizing Performance: Maximizing Mental, Parking Distractions, Self-Talk, Trusting Your Training
Maximizing your performance by effectively dealing with three areas--- your troubles, your talk and your trust, is the secret of those who succeed in life. Each lecture will show you how to take charge of your mind and develop the skills to “maximize the mental”. This workshop assists students and athletes how to appropriate powerful brain training techniques to improve their concentration and focus.

Course # EDUC 580-N1472
Mental Intensity: Brainstorming Success
Untrained minds are rarely successful in life or sports. This workshop teaches coaches  and educators how to take advantage of the power of the human brain using the most current techniques that brain science teaches to maximize performance.

Course # EDUC 580-N1473
I'm A Believer: Brain Power, You Gotta Believe
Learning “How” to think is a very un-coached area of sports and a very un-taught area of education. Because we are all different in our thought processes, guiding and developing the thinking abilities will enable an individual to accomplish great tasks that were improbable beforehand. Great achievers of all backgrounds have learned how to think effectively to earn outstanding results. This course will give you some of the foundational tools to get the student and athlete thinking strategies that will foster success.

Course # EDUC 580-N1474
Make Up Your Mind: The Thought-Provoking Three, Mental Toughness
The core basics of improving mental focus under times of stress is the ultimate prize for great teachers and great coaches alike. This workshop brings the teacher and coach face to face with the critical foundations of thinking success. Master these simple techniques and you are well on the way to maximizing performance for all that you coach or teach.

Course # EDUC 580-N1630
Develop Student Empathy
Empathy is at the center of everything that makes a school, classroom, sports team, care, respect and understand each other. When empathy declines, narcissism, distrust, aggression, and bullying increase—and students suffer. That's why Forbes urges companies to adopt empathy and perspective-taking principles, and the Harvard Business Review named empathy as one of the "essential ingredients for leadership success and excellent performance" (Goleman, 2014). This course will help you teach compassion and responsiveness by giving you a wealth of resources to implement the nine strategies that will help develop empathy in your students.

Course # EDUC 580-N1695
Develop Executive Function Skills in Students
Executive function and self-regulation skills are like an air traffic control system in the brain—they help us manage information, make decisions, and plan ahead.(Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University) Executive function skills are the mental practices that help us to focus our attention, plan, remember instructions and manage multiple tasks successfully. We need these skills at every stage of life, and while we are not born with them, we have the potential to develop them. This course will give you information about Executive functions and more  importantly how to instill these skills in your students to boost their success with strategies and activities that you can use right away.

Course # EDUC 580-N1669
On Being Different: Understanding Autism
Autism spectrum disorder refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences. There is not one autism, but many types caused by a combination of genetic and environmental influences. Some people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) do not feel that they have a disorder and don't want to change. They're proud of who they are, and they want to be accepted, even though they may have different strengths and weaknesses than most other people. Working with children on the autism spectrum requires patience and respect. These are people who see the world differently and react to it ways that are appropriate for them. Understanding their behaviors and motivations is the first step to being able to teach them to reach their full potential.

Course # EDUC 580-N1670
Teaching Social Justice
The field of social justice uses critical examination of ourselves, others, institutions and events to find patterns of inequality, bigotry or discrimination, then explores possible solutions to the problems we’ve identified. Social justice advocates hope to build a society in which individuals have equal access to resources and receive equitable treatment regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexuality, income level or disability. This course allows students to explore different parts of social justice and apply the information to the classroom. 

Course # EDUC 580-N1781
Controlling Stress: Making Stress Work For You
This course is designed for instructional training, sports coaches & administrators to try your hand at some very effective stress reducing techniques that brain science teaches. Imaginative sensory distractions work to minimize performance-destroying situations and assist individuals to think more efficiently during times of stress.

Course # EDUC 580-N1782
Mental Relaxation
Feeling so stressed that you can’t fall asleep at night ? Are frustrations mounting…are you chronically fatigued…is your thinking less clear and distracted ? The brain science in this course takes you into the simple thinking processes that keep the stress within your control. Master the thought processes that puts you in charge of your emotions and RELAX.

Course # EDUC 580-N1783
Stress-Proofing Your Brain
This course is a practical tool for recognizing and minimizing harmful stress in everyday life. The mental training of this course is an action-oriented approach enabling individuals to overcome the distractions they confront each and every day. Mastering your emotional response to stress by using better brain science is at the heart of meaningful and practical stress proofing.

Course # EDUC 580-N1784
Mentally Calm
Looking at the causes & effects of stress on your mind, body & overall health, compels the newest neuroplasticity applications of brain science to change your life for the best. It’s not rocket science…it’s simple brain science !

Course # EDUC 580-N1785
Stress Less: Dealing With Distress
Foremost experts in the field of functional medicine agree that stress causes or worsens 95% of all illnesses. Learn how to manage stress and cope with mental distractions and pressures that destroy your focus and productivity. Lessen the impact of many illnesses and discomforts by  engaging your brain in a whole new way.

Course # EDUC 580-N1786
Strengthen Resilience in Your Students
Students experience a tremendous amount of new experiences and challenges on a daily basis. Being resilient gives them the ability to cope, tackle these head-on, and bounce back from any difficulties. Resilient students learn that they can grow in these trying situations and have the best chance at succeeding. They learn to approach life with confidence while having a positive mindset which will make them more likely to succeed. This course will give you an array of ideas and strategies that will assist you in strengthening resilience in yourself as well as your students.

Course # EDUC 580-N1900
The Trauma Informed Classroom
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) identifies trauma as a significant public health issue resulting from experiences such as violence, abuse, neglect, loss, disasters, war, and other emotionally damaging events.  These children enter the classroom with fears and chronic stress. Consequently, educators across the nation need to create trauma-sensitive classrooms that address the varied needs of these children with empathy and support. This course will provide you with insights into the Best Practices in Trauma-Informed Teaching, ensuring that all students can thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment.

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