Administrative Specialist Licensure
The Administrative Specialist’s Licensure program (17-18 Semester Credit Hours) is for educators with at least one year’s teaching experience under a professional teaching license
This program offers candidates four specialization options and the opportunity to earn multiple licenses by taking only a few additional courses.
Courses Required for All Specialization Options (11 Credit Hours)
EDUC 721 Ethical Leadership and Policy Development (3)
EDUC 840 The Scope of Educational Leadership (1)
EDUC 850 Leading the District (3)
MOLP 786 Systems Thinking (3)
EDUC 864 Internship: The Administrative Specialist in Action (1)
Specialization Option 1: School-Community Relations (6 Credit Hours)
EDUC 855 Communications and Advocacy (3)
EDUC 856 Public Relations (3)
Specialization Option 2: Educational Staff Personnel Administration (6 Credit Hours)
EDUC 859 Managing Resources (3)
EDUC 860 Personnel Administration in Education (3)
Specialization Option 3: Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development (7 Credit Hours)
EDUC 857 Leading for Learning (3)
EDUC 858 Understanding Professional Learning (4)
Specialization Option 4: Career-Technical Education (6 Credit Hours)
EDUC 841 The Differentiation of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment in Career-Technical Education (3)
EDUC 842 The Administration of State and Federal Laws and Financing that Impact Career-Technical Education Programs (3)
Specialization Option 5: Pupil Services (6 Credit Hours)
EDUC 843 The Differentiation of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for Students with Exceptionalities (3)
EDUC 844 The Administration of State and Federal Laws and Financing that Impact Services for Students with Exceptionalities and Their Families & Caregivers (3)
To exit the Administrative Specialist’s Licensure program:
- Candidate must have completed a second year’s teaching experience under a professional teaching license
- Candidate must hold a Master’s degree
For a complete listing of MAE requirements, policies and procedures please refer to the Graduate Catalog (pdf).