Graduate Teacher Education

Superintendent licensure

The post-graduate Superintendent’s Licensure program is for educators with:

  • a master’s degree from a regionally-accredited institution
  • current principal’s or administrative specialist’s license
  • documented evidence of one year of successful educational leadership experience in a position requiring a principal’s or administrative specialist’s license 

Superintendent Licensure Courses (12 Credit Hours)
EDUC 850 Leading the District (3) 
EDUC 855 Communications and Advocacy (3)
EDUC 857 Leading for Learning (3) 
EDUC 859 Managing Resources (3)

Internship Courses (4 Credit Hours)
EDUC 865 Internship: The Superintendent in Action (4)
(for candidates for the Superintendent’s license who have completed one of the Administrative Specialist Licensure options) 
EDUC 866 Internship: The Superintendent in Action (4)
(for candidates for the Superintendent’s license who have not completed one of the Administrative Specialist Licensure options)

To exit the post-graduate Superintendent’s Licensure program:

  • Candidate must document evidence of two additional years of successful educational leadership experience in a position requiring a principal’s or administrative specialist’s license

Educational Specialist Degree Option

To add the Educational Specialist degree, candidate must hold a superintendent’s license and complete the following courses:

Educational Specialist Course (12 Credit Hours)
DOLP 801: Applied Research (3)
Three of the following courses for 9 semester hours: DALP 802, 803, 804, 805, 807

For a complete listing of MAE requirements, policies and procedures please refer to the Graduate Catalog (pdf).

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