Graduate Teacher Education

Primary Education Licensure, PreK-5

Primary Education (56 credit hours)

Core Courses (13 Credit Hours)
EDUC  605 Leading and Learning in a Culture of Change (3)
EDUC  606 Invitational and Inclusive Education (3)
EDUC  608* Critical Pedagogy: The Transformational Educator (1)
MOLP 782 Informed Decision Making (3)

Choose One of the Following:
EDUC  700 Research Seminar & Project (3)
EDUC  710 Practitioner Seminar and Project (3)

Professional Education Courses (27 Credit Hours)
EDUC  528* Learning Differences and Exceptionalities (3)
EDUC  550 Educational Psychology 
EDUC  555* Proactive Approaches to Classroom Management (3)
EDUC  586* Social Studies Methods for Primary (Grades Pre-K-5) (3)
EDUC  588* Science Methods for Primary (Grades PreK-5) (3)
EDUC  592* Administration of Early Childhood Programs (3)
EDUC  593* Early Childhood Education (3)
EDUC  594* Creative Classroom: Arts in Primary Education (3)
EDUC  599* Math Methods for Primary (Grades PreK-5) (3)

Reading Courses (12 Credit Hours)
ASK YOUR ADVISOR: previous reading coursework may satisfy requirements
EDUC  520* Language, Literacy and Communication (3)
EDUC  521 Phonics and the Reading Process (3)
EDUC  523* Content Area Literacy (3)
EDUC  524* Literacy Assessment and Intervention (3)

Clinical Practice Courses (4 Credit Hours) 
EDUC  692 Primary Education Practicum (3)
EDUC  693 Primary Education Seminar (1)


*Additional field hours required

For a complete listing of MAE requirements, policies and procedures please refer to the Graduate Catalog (pdf).

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