MAE Intervention Specialist: Moderate to Intensive Licensure
Intervention Specialist: Moderate to Intensive (50 Credit Hours) is a multi-age, special education licensure program that prepares individuals to teach students with moderate to intensive needs.
To add the license, take the following courses:
EDUC 528* Learning Differences and Exceptionalities (3)
EDUC 548* Characteristics & Assessment of Students with Moderate to Intensive Needs (3)
EDUC 550 Educational Psychology (3)
EDUC 555* Proactive Approaches to Classroom Management (3)
EDUC 557* Instructional Services for Students with Moderate to Intensive Disabilities (3)
EDUC 558* Independence Skills for Students with Multiple Disabilities (3)
EDUC 559* Teaching & Supporting Students with Autism & Other Behavioral Disorders (3)
Previous reading coursework may satisfy reading course requirements.
EDUC 520* Language, Literacy and Communication (3)
EDUC 521 Phonics and the Reading Process (3)
EDUC 524* Literacy Assessment and Intervention (3)
EDUC 526* Functional Communication (3)
EDUC 547 Intervention Specialist Seminar (1)
EDUC 688 Intervention Specialist Clinical Practice (3)
If you choose, you can complete Master of Arts in Education by taking the following ONLINE courses (13 Credit Hours):
EDUC 605 Leading and Learning in a Culture of Change (3)
EDUC 606 Invitational and Inclusive Education (3)
EDUC 608* Critical Pedagogy: The Transformational Educator (1)
MOLP 782 Informed Decision Making (3)
Choose One of the Following:
EDUC 700 Research Seminar & Project (3)
EDUC 710 Practitioner Seminar and Project (3)
*Additional field hours are required
For a complete listing of MAE requirements, policies and procedures please refer to the Graduate Catalog (pdf).