Tessa Wilson
The DOL program is a journey of identifying existing strengths and developing new skills as a leader. I have taken the knowledge gained and immediately applied it in my workplace. The program has a very accommodating schedule for any working professional. As the mother of a toddler and a full-time teacher, the courses fit well into my busy schedule. Classes are held virtually, and the synchronous format provides real-time opportunities for valuable dialogue. The coursework is engaging and customized to meet the specific needs of every student. Each professor provides a unique approach to leadership.
One of the best parts of the program is the relations built with professors and other students. Students are not viewed as just names on a roster. Professors take the time to personalize the experience and create meaningful interactions. Students come from a variety of professional backgrounds and the diversity of experiences enriches discussions.
Jonathan Graham
There are not many programs that offer the flexibility for working professionals to truly improve their understanding of leadership from both a theoretical and practical perspective - Muskingum does this extremely well. I have been overwhelmed with how supportive and helpful the professors have been in the process. The interaction between participants and professors is dynamic and very positive. I cannot say enough good things about this program!