Computer & Network Services

Computing at Muskingum

What is Muskingum University's computer philosophy?

Muskingum University strongly believes that one aspect of an education is access to information and resources. Much of that information can be accessed on our campus network and the Internet.

Muskingum University does not require students to own computers, but we do encourage students to consider ownership. Access to the campus network is available through either a wired or wireless connection. In addition, students have access to a number of computer labs on campus.

Will my student need an e-mail account or will the university provide one?

All students are provided electronic accounts (email, Blackboard, MuskieLink) for their use while a student at Muskingum. While students frequently have other e-mail or web identities, all official Muskingum University electronic communication is sent to the student’s Muskingum email account. While having more than one electronic identity is fine, it is imperative that the student use their Muskingum account for internal communication and that they read it often.

Is it easy to connect to the campus network?

Students can connect to the campus network either wirelessly throughout campus or by using the wired ethernet connection in their residence hall room. If they are connecting a computer to the network in the academic areas, it will be necessary that the operating system and anti-virus solution be up-to-date. For information regarding the registration process, please visit our Campus Networking pages.

Is help available if I need it?

For help connecting to the network in a residential area:

chat using the Apogee app

For help connecting your device in an academic area:

Computer & Network Services
Boyd Science Center room 331

If you are bringing your laptop into our offices, please bring your power adapter with you.

What kind of software does Muskingum use?

The institution primarily uses the Microsoft Office Suite for word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation applications. This software is available for use in all of the computer labs on campus.

What versions of Microsoft software are used in the university's computer labs?

Because it is our standard, Microsoft Office 365 has been installed in all computer labs.

What about Macintosh Computers and Linux Operating Systems?

Both Macintosh and Linux systems will work on the campus network.

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