Education: Physical Education

Our major in Physical Education explores the relationship of sports, athletics, physical fitness, and dance to cultures throughout the world. You will develop your understanding of movement activities and the educational, physiological, biomechanical, sociological, psychological, historical, and philosophical principles behind them.

With this major, you will be prepared to earn your multi-age physical education license from the State of Ohio and become a teacher-leader who encourages, equips, and empowers students ages 3-21.

Our program has NCATE Accreditation – the education profession’s “seal of approval” – which signifies that we meet or exceed the national professional standards for the preparation of teachers and other school specialists, and that our up-to-date, relevant, and research-based educational experience will prepare you well for your teacher licensing examinations.


  • Participate in our 21-sport NCAA Division III program and extensive intramurals to gain an excellent background for teaching, coaching, and administration
  • Physiology of Exercise laboratory offers hands-on research opportunities
  • Student Teaching semester in the final year of your program: our students have chosen placements at home or abroad in countries such as England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa
  • Supplemental field work with local school districts or related agencies
  • Qualify to join Muskingum’s chapter of Kappa Delta Pi – the International Honor Society in Education – and connect with a fellowship of top educators and opportunities for career-long professional development excellence
  • Participate in networking events, workshops, seminars, and conferences presented by professional associations spanning a wide variety of education topics


You will be ready to earn your multi-age health education license from the State of Ohio to teach students ages 3-21.

Our graduates find teaching and coaching employment in public and private schools and other educational settings. Some have also chosen additional study and careers in adaptive physical education, athletic training, and physical therapy.


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