Computer Science Student Opportunities
Recent internships for Computer Science students include:
- Battelle Labs
- Datatel
Student research in Computer Science can include paid summer research through the Muskie Fellows program, along with course related research in CPSC 400 Programming Projects and CPSC 495 Computer Science Seminar.
Recent examples of paid summer research include Nick Bulinski's research into developing neural networks to deal with hidden information in game AI, Nicholas Rohozen and Phillip Krall's research into developing drones that can recognize human bodies partially obscured by debris in disaster situations, Sarah Hare's research into developing software useful in areas of intermittent connectivity for use in missions in Haiti, and Tanner Barnes '12 developing a cavern development simulator in conjunction with Associate Professor of Geology Eric Law and Assistant Professor of Computer Science Jay Shaffstall. Tanner's research led to a conference presentation at PyOhio.
The Computer Science department employs students to help professors grade, to assist in labs associated with Introduction to Computing, and to tutor in Computer Science courses.
After Graduation
Recent Computer Science graduates from Muskingum have accepted positions at:
- Battelle Labs
- Datatel
- Argonne Laboratories
- AT&T
- Longaberger
- Mead
- Microsoft
- MIT Laboratories
Recent Computer Science graduates have enrolled in the following graduate schools:
- The Ohio State University
- University of Michigan
- University of Cincinnati
- Case Western Reserve University
- Cornell University
- Bowling Green State University
- Carnegie-Mellon University
- Clemson University
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Indiana University
- Miami University (Ohio)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
- University of Pittsburgh