Emergency Response


In the event that a pandemic is declared by federal, state, or local government authorities, Muskingum will follow the health and safety guidance issued by the government to prevent or reduce the spread of illness.

In determining its response, the University will consider all health and safety guidance and the best interests of the students, faculty, and staff. In considering these matters, the University may transition to online methods of instruction, close the residence halls, and/or close other campus buildings.

  • Take general precautions for good health and avoid transmitting infection to others.
  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth which are transmission points for germs.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water often and thoroughly.  You may also use alcohol-based sanitizers. Wash your hands before you eat.
  • Don’t go to class if you are ill. If you get sick, go home if possible.
  • Students are encouraged to seek medical care from the Student Health Center at (740) 826-8150 or askanurse@muskingum.edu.
  • Employees should contact their supervisor if they are unable to report to work.

University administration will monitor the pandemic situation and remain in contact with federal, state, and local health officials. The information will be evaluated on an ongoing basis to determine how University operations might be affected. Should information and/or directives from government officials warrant action on the part of the University, the University Health & Safety Team will convene and enact measures designed to both protect the health and safety of the campus community and maintain academic programs and administrative operations to the greatest extent possible. University officials will determine appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the campus community.  Actions might include, but are not limited to:

  • Information campaign to encourage proper hygiene techniques, general pandemic prevention, and identification awareness.
  • Modifying workplace and classroom practices such as:
    • Reducing or eliminating face-to-face meetings and encouraging virtual classes and meetings.
    • Staggering breaks.
    • Encouraging or establishing flexible work hours and telecommuting.
    • Reducing maximum room capacities.
    • Encouraging or establishing methods to maintain academic operations by electronic means rather than in classrooms.
  • Cancel or postpone campus activities, meetings, and events.
  • Determine critical operations and enact measures to maintain those operations.
  • Close residence halls.
  • Close the University.
A pandemic may evolve quickly: the University will communicate on an ongoing basis in order to mitigate the effects, adjust operations, and ensure the safety of the campus community.
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