Emergency Response

Criminal Incident


When it is safe for you to do so, report any crime in progress on campus to University Police at (740) 826-8155 or by calling 911.

  • Tell the officer or Muskingum County dispatcher your name, your location, and a phone number where you can be reached.
  • Give a description of what is taking place.
  • Give a thorough description of any suspect(s); physical description, clothing, vehicle information, and direction of travel.
  • Describe any injuries, if known, and the extent of those injuries.
  • Give the dispatcher a phone number where you can be reached in case more information is needed.
  • If you have been a victim of a crime or witness to a crime, follow the same steps above.

To report routine or non-emergency incidents, call Muskingum University Police at (740) 826-8155.

  • On campus, Muskingum University Police, and possibly other law enforcement agencies, will respond to the incident, take appropriate immediate action to ensure safety, render any assistance needed, and gather report information.
  • If this occurs off campus, police officers from the agency with jurisdiction will respond to the incident, take appropriate immediate action to ensure safety, render any assistance needed and gather report information.
  • Other first responders and/or Muskingum University personnel will be notified as necessary.
  • You will likely be asked to give a statement, both verbally and in writing to the police.
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