Emergency Response

General Emergency Warnings and Communications

Sharing timely and accurate communication with the campus community during an emergency is essential for proper response and mitigation of the emergency. Depending on the nature of the situation, the timing and method of communication may vary. Any individual or combination of the following communications could be used to alert the campus community to an emergency situation:


Muskingum strongly encourages all members of the University community to enroll in META, which is its emergency notification system. META is used to communicate an immediate emergency and important follow up information. Users who subscribe to META should enroll for SMS messaging and may also choose to receive an email message through META.

To enroll in META, go to https://muskingum.omnilert.net. New users should click the “Sign Up” link in the top, right corner of the page to enroll. Existing users can use the “User Log In.” Be sure to validate your account when you sign up!

Audible Alarms

In the event of an emergency that would require the evacuation of a building, the building’s fire alarm may be activated.

Website and Email System

Following a META, there may be additional information posted to the University website. In some instances, you may receive a campus-wide email. These tools may be used for instructions, status updates, or other information posted on the Muskingum website.

Personal Contact

In certain circumstances, you may receive instructions from the Student Life Office, Physical Plant/Facilities staff, and/or other campus administrators.

Muskingum County Emergency Management Agency

The Muskingum County EMA is a valuable resource and community partner to Muskingum University. Students, faculty, and staff may choose to sign up for emergency alerts that are issued by the Muskingum County EMA by visiting their website at https://www.muskingumcountyoh.gov/Agencies/EMA-LEPC/, which provides more information about the alert system and specific options for your alerts.

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