Emergency Response

Suspicious Package/Person

Suspicious behavior and packages should not be ignored - report your concerns.


For a suspicious object or package:

  • If you see or become aware of a suspicious object or receive a suspicious letter or parcel, do not handle it or allow anyone to go near it.
  • Call University Police at 740-826-8155

    • Tell the officer why you think the object is suspicious.

    • Tell the officer your name, phone extension, and room number. 

For a suspicious person: 

  • Generally, you should not engage a person who is acting suspiciously. However, if others are around, and you feel comfortable doing so, you might approach the person and ask “can I help you?” If this person legitimately needs help, they will might appreciate the offer. If not, then they will know that they have been noticed, which may prevent potential criminal activity.   

  • To report suspicious behavior, call Muskingum University Police at 740-826-8155 as soon as you have some basic information. Be ready to give the officer the following information: 

    • Your name, current location, and phone number where you can be reached 

    • A physical description of the suspicious person 

    • A description of the suspicious behavior 

    • Where the person was last seen and direction of travel 


For a suspicious package/object:

  • The responding officer will request assistance from other law enforcement agencies, as appropriate.   
  • Responding officers will meet with the caller to gather information.   
  • University Police will confer and decide on an appropriate course of action, based on known information. 

For a suspicious person:

  • On campus, Muskingum University Police will respond, which may include looking for the suspicious person and speaking with you more.  
  • Off campus, Muskingum University Police will consult with the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction before responding. This may include looking for the suspicious person and speaking with you more. 
  • Muskingum University Police will determine whether to initiate any other emergency response.   
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