Power Outage
Power outages occasionally occur on campus. Typically, power is restored within a few hours; however, there is potential that a power outage may extend for longer periods of time.
- Remain calm and stay where you are.
- Assist others who are not familiar with your area.
- Call Muskingum University Police at (740) 826-8155.
- Tell the officer your name and location.
- Tell the officer what areas are affected by the power outage.
- Tell the officer how long the power has been out.
- Give the officer a call back number in case more information is needed.
- Evacuate only if instructed to do so via META or by first responders or other University administrators.
- See “Elevator Emergency” if you become stuck in an elevator during a power outage.
- University Police will work with Physical Plant personnel to respond and determine the extent of the outage.
- Resident Assistants, Area Coordinators, and other Student Life staff will communicate if dining or other campus operations are impacted.
- The Director of Athletics or Head Coaches will communicate about any modifications to athletic activities.
- Responders will check elevators to determine if anyone is stranded because of the outage.
- The University will seek assistance from outside entities as needed.
- If the power outage is extended, it may be necessary to send students home. Plans to close residence halls, if necessary, will be communicated to students by Student Life personnel.