Communication Studies


Speech & Debate Program

  • Ranked 1st in Ohio Division II
  • 12 Individual Events and Debate
  • All Academic Majors
  • States and Nationals
  • Earn 2 credits every Spring Semester

What is Forensics?

The Muskingum University Forensics Program is for students interested in competitive speaking and performance as a co-curricular activity.  Participants travel to other colleges and universities and compete against other college-level students in speech and debate. Click here for a description of speech events.

2025 Forensics Team at State Varsity

Forensics Scholarships are available

Performance scholarships are available for the Forensics Program.  The awards range from $500-$2500 and are subject to biannual review by departmental faculty.

Scholarship Information

Do I need to be a Communication Major to apply?

No.  Although many forensics students find it advantageous to declare a Communication major or minor,  the skills you develop in Forensics will serve you well no matter what academic major or career path you choose.

forensis students holding their plaques after winning a competition

More Information:

If you want to know about forensics at Muskingum or about the scholarship process specifically, we welcome your interest and your questions.  To arrange for a faculty interview or audition, to tour of the facilities or to meet other communication students, please contact us.

Professor Rachel Pollock, DOF

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