Speech & Debate Program
- Ranked 1st in Ohio Division II
- 12 Individual Events and Debate
- All Academic Majors
- States and Nationals
- Earn 2 credits every Spring Semester
What is Forensics?
The Muskingum University Forensics Program is for students interested in competitive speaking and performance as a co-curricular activity. Participants travel to other colleges and universities and compete against other college-level students in speech and debate. Click here for a description of speech events.
Forensics Scholarships are available
Performance scholarships are available for the Forensics Program. The awards range from $500-$2500 and are subject to biannual review by departmental faculty.
Do I need to be a Communication Major to apply?
No. Although many forensics students find it advantageous to declare a Communication major or minor, the skills you develop in Forensics will serve you well no matter what academic major or career path you choose.
More Information:
If you want to know about forensics at Muskingum or about the scholarship process specifically, we welcome your interest and your questions. To arrange for a faculty interview or audition, to tour of the facilities or to meet other communication students, please contact us.