Master of Occupational Therapy
Fieldwork Information

Fieldwork Information

A variety of fieldwork sites provide students with new experiences in diverse settings while remaining close to home

MOT Students

The goal of Level I fieldwork is to provide students the opportunity to apply knowledge and develop an understanding of the needs of the client, according to the ACOTE Standards, 2018.

Students will have the opportunity to engage in four faculty-led level I rotations which focus across the lifespan and populations of mental health, pediatrics, adults, and geriatrics.  

Students will complete two, 12 week, full-time level II fieldwork rotations. The MOT program is committed to providing quality fieldwork in a variety of geographic areas and practice settings across the lifespan. The Academic Fieldwork Coordinator works closely with students to determine practice areas of interest, professional growth, and professional goals. It is our expectation that Level II Fieldwork will occur within a 90 mile radius from your home. We will always work to make the opportunity available as close as possible, however, factors such as number of students from one community, availability of sites, and time of year may affect options. 

Level II Fieldwork will be completed on a full-time basis, so plan ahead for work and financial resources during those final two terms. 

Fieldwork Educator Resources

Supervising occupational therapy students is a rewarding yet equally demanding job. Like the profession of occupational therapy, the students entering the profession continue to evolve. Within this section, you will find a variety of resources for enhancing supervision. Resources will be updated periodically. If there is a specific topic or area of interest you would like more information on, please reach out to Heather Coalt, Academic Fieldwork Coordinator at

Muskingum MOT Philosophy, Curriculum Design, & Objectives
Muskingum MOT Program Specific Documents
Evidence-Based Articles & Fieldwork Resources
Tools for Fieldwork Supervision
  • Self-Assessment Tool for Fieldwork Educator Competency 
    • As professionals it is a professional responsibility to increase our knowledge in the areas of practice or populations we serve. A fieldwork educator could view occupational therapy students as another population they serve. This tool was designed to provide fieldwork educators with a way to reflect and assess their level of competence and to identify areas for growth and new learning. Click here. 
  • Fieldwork Experience Assessment Tool (FEAT) 
    • This tool provides a framework to understand the fieldwork experience and how when a balance between the environment, the fieldwork educator, and the student exists a positive education experience occurs. It was designed to be used at midterm to contribute to the FWE and student discussions to enhance the fieldwork experience. This tool, however, can be utilized at any point in the student’s fieldwork rotation if the fieldwork educator has concerns for the student’s success. This would also be an appropriate time to contact the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator to collaborate. Click here. 
Continuing Education
  • Fieldwork Educators Certificate Workshop
    • Are you considering supervising a student for the first time? Or have you worked with students in the past, but want to advance your skills as a fieldwork educator? If so, this may be the course for you! Click here.


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