
Stevenson, Colleen

Faculty & Staff

Colleen Stevenson headshot

Colleen Stevenson

Professor of Psychology, Faculty Adm MUCCD, Department Chair
Program Coordinator of Child and Family Studies
243 Cambridge Hall
Phone Number
Research Interests
-Cognitive and language development in early childhood
-Scientific inquiry in childhood
-Metacognition and learning in adolescence and young adulthood
Ph.D., Kent State University
M.S., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
B. A., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Dr. Colleen Stevenson teaches courses in developmental psychology, cognition, and various Topics and Readings courses.

Her research interests include understanding how young children develop their lexicon. For example, how do they understand whether a new label maps on to an object? She is also interested in how adolescents and young adults study, how those behaviors are related to learning, and how we can improve study habits to improve learning. Muskingum University students have opportunities to work on research projects with her.

She works with a number of different groups in the community that serve children and adolescents. Muskingum University students can complete practicum and internships with these groups.

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