Academic Catalog

Affiliate Programs

Muskingum University offers students the opportunity to earn academic credit from other institutions through its affiliate programs. These programs are typically focused toward a particular academic or internship experience for which the off-campus institution offers a specialization that cannot be obtained on campus. Following is a description of the programs for which Muskingum has affiliate agreements. Students participating in these programs are generally considered to be enrolled at Muskingum University.

On receipt of an official transcript from an affiliate program, credit will be awarded for all pre-approved coursework in which a passing grade has been assigned. Letter grades, but no equivalent quality points, will be assigned to transfer work. With the exception of calculations for Latin Honors and Dean's List, neither term nor cumulative grade point average will be affected by transfer work from affiliate programs.

Speech Pathology and Audiology emphasis is available through an agreement with Kent State University. A bachelor’s degree from Muskingum with this emphasis provides students the opportunity to enter the graduate program in Speech Pathology or Audiology at Kent State University.

Study Abroad/International Study provides the opportunity for sophomores, juniors and seniors to study for one or two semesters at a foreign university through Muskingum’s exchange programs. Formal student-exchange agreements exist between Muskingum University and institutions in Asia, Canada, Europe, and South America. In most cases there is no extra fee for participation in these exchange programs. Students interested in study abroad should consult the Coordinator of Study Abroad for further information. To make certain that their programs of study satisfy Muskingum’s requirements, students must have their programs approved by the Coordinator of Study Abroad. Study abroad opportunities outside of those already established at Muskingum are also possible, as are short-term study abroad programs.

Washington Semester is available through a cooperative arrangement with American University in Washington, D.C. It offers students in-depth experiential learning in their choice of a dozen areas of study including American politics, international relations, justice and law, journalism, international economics and business, public health, and more. The curriculum includes a full-time academic schedule (8-12 hours) and an internship in the heart of the nation’s capital (4 hours).

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