Academic Catalog

Academic Standards Policy

Muskingum University students are expected to maintain a minimum semester and cumulative GPA of 2.0. The term “semester” refers to the most recently completed semester; the term “cumulative” refers to all work completed at Muskingum University.

Academic Probation

A student whose semester and/or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation.

The notation “Academic Probation” will be marked on the student’s transcript for the semester(s) in which the GPA is below 2.0 except in the following situation: the semester GPA is at least 1.5 and it is the first time that the student’s GPA has fallen below 2.0 and (if established) the cumulative GPA is at least 2.0.

To avoid academic probation, a full-time student must achieve a 2.0 semester and cumulative GPA with completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours; a part-time student or a student attending Muskingum University May Term must achieve the same with completion of at least six credit hours.

The Keys to Academic Success Class and the Study Center provide support through tutoring, learning skills courses, and other special services for students who need assistance to succeed academically. A student who is on academic probation may be required to participate in the Getting Prepared Academically Program.

The probationary student is required to consult regularly with his/her advisors and course instructors.


The student will receive notice of his/her academic probation status and its accompanying requirements and restrictions from the Provost or the Vice President of Graduate and Continuing Studies as appropriate. A copy of the notice will be sent to the parents or guardians of dependent students and to the student’s academic advisor(s).

*Adult undergraduate degree completers should refer to the MAP Guidebook.


A student who is on academic probation may not enroll for more than 17 hours. On the recommendation of the student’s academic advisor, adjustments may be made in the student’s course load.

Academic Dismissal

An undergraduate student on probation whose semester GPA remains below 2.0 at the conclusion of the next semester and whose cumulative GPA is also below 2.0 is subject to dismissal. A student who does not earn a GPA of at least 1.5 in any semester is subject to dismissal.

An undergraduate student may appeal the dismissal to the Academic Standards Committee. This committee, consisting of the Provost and the Dean of Students (or their designated representatives) and at least three faculty members, meets in early January for fall dismissals and in May for spring dismissals. Among the criteria considered by the Academic Standards Committee is the reasonable expectation that students who appeal will be able to graduate. In order to demonstrate satisfactory progress toward graduation, seniors are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 1.9, juniors at least 1.8, sophomores at least 1.5, and first-year students at least a 1.2 cumulative GPA by the end of their second semester.

A student who is dismissed will be denied enrollment in classes, (including study abroad), participation in campus activities and University residency.


Application for readmission of a student dismissed for academic reasons will be considered only after a minimum of one semester following dismissal. Readmission is usually contingent upon successful completion of one to two semesters of college-level coursework at another institution.

*Adult undergraduate degree completers should refer to the MAP Guidebook.


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