Academic Catalog

Attendance Policy

The academic program of Muskingum University operates on the assumption that learning is advanced by regular attendance at class and laboratory.

It is the responsibility of the student to arrange to make up, at the convenience of the instructor, class assignments or previously scheduled quizzes and/or exams missed due to absence. Timely (at least one week in advance) notice to professors when absence will be unavoidable is expected. No instructor may deny a student the opportunity to make up coursework missed because of bona fide medical, personal or family emergency, or, when timely notice is received, because of previously scheduled participation in institutionally sanctioned activities.

Individual faculty members determine their own class attendance policy in accordance with the preceding paragraph. At the beginning of each semester, the faculty member is responsible for informing students of his/her attendance policy or expectations and of the consequences or penalties for excessive non-sanctioned absences. The faculty member must define “excessive.”

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