Campus Safety


The Muskingum Emergency Text Alert system (META) gives Muskingum University officials the ability to communicate emergency information quickly via text message. By registering for META, you will be notified of safety or security related issues in a timely fashion.

Sign up for META and manage your account through e2Campus at this link.

While META is a free* service to Muskingum University students, staff, and faculty, it does require you to register. To do so, log on to the META registration site using your Muskingum University email user name and password and fill out the online form. Follow the directions to verify your registration and you're all done.

META is powered by e2Campus, a national mass notification solutions provider. Contact information you provide to the META service will only be used to deliver emergency information through e2Campus. e2Campus has strict Zero Spam and usage policies for information used by and for the META service.

Please note that your META username will be the same as your Muskingum University email username but your META password will be different than your Muskingum University password unless you intentionally make it the same. Also note that, because this is an OPT-IN system, registrations will need to be renewed on a yearly basis. You will receive a notification when it is time to renew.

* BE ADVISED that standard text messaging rates will apply. Contact your carrier for rate information.

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