
Meet The Admission Staff!

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The Office of Admission is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Selected Saturdays (September–April only).

Muskingum University
Office of Admission

260 Stadium Drive
PO Box 1837
New Concord, OH 43762-1837
Phone: 740-826-8137
Fax: 740-826-8100 

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admission group

From left to right
Top: Jake Burnett, Qiao Keating, Theresa Hogue, Gary Atkins

Bottom: Anna Dooley, Hunter Bennett, Marcy Ritzert, Zoey Stenson, Alexandria Fraley, Kendall Mackie


Admission Office Staff


Marcy Ritzert

Vice President for Enrollment
B.A., M.A., The University of Akron

What do you like to do when you aren’t at work?  Although I love my job helping students get admitted to Muskingum University, there’s a ton of other stuff that keeps me busy at home! I have two gardens that take up a lot of my time in the summer. I also have two dogs, chickens and honeybee hives. I am never bored at home – there is always something that needs to be done! I also love to cook and travel.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?  I love the outdoors, and the most adventurous thing I’ve done is taking up backpacking with my husband several years ago. We’ve seen some amazingly beautiful scenery and I’ve accomplished physical things I’ve never thought possible. We love our country’s National Parks, but there are also many other areas that we’ve visited. Any backcountry trip is open for discussion.


Jake Burnett

Director of Admission
B.A., Muskingum University

Favorite Activity? Hanging out with my kids! I have 3 boys, all who love the outdoors. We enjoy campouts, hikes, and just playing together.

Best thing about Muskingum? During my sophomore year here at Muskingum, I met my future wife. We've been married since 2006 and I can't imagine a better life than what we have shared here in this community. Muskingum truly is a special place.


Gary Atkins

Assistant Director of Admission
B.S., VA Tech

What are your most-prized possessions?  My music collection: vinyl, cassette, CD, and digital – I value it all (though, I surely prefer the seek/find process for the non-digital). My high school years were all about soul and funk; college radio in the early 80's exposed me to punk (and post-punk), new wave, reggae and world music, and electronic and industrial music (among others); and working in an independent record store in a university town from 1990-95 only poured gas on the flames. Twenty years later, they're still burning. Oh, and my mountain bikes: I have two Specialized Stumpjumpers – one set up for road riding, and the other for off-road use, because, as the saying goes, the fun begins where the pavement ends!

What are your "go-to" nature destinations?  If I had an hour, it would be a walk around the New Concord Reservoir with my dog, Woody; a day, the AEP Recreation Lands a half-hour south of town; a week, the Jefferson National Forest and the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains in my beloved homeland of SW Virginia; a month, the Clearwater National Forest in northern Idaho (specifically, the Kelly Forks area, near the Montana border). Great – now I'm daydreaming and worthless for the rest of the afternoon!


Hunter Bennett

Campus Experience Coordinator
B.A., Ohio University

What is your favorite activity? Hiking! My husband and I love to travel to different hiking trails every chance we get. Our favorite hiking trip so far was to Sedona, Arizona!
What is your favorite thing about Muskingum? I love the community! Although I did not attend Muskingum University, I was born and raise here in the Village of New Concord. The community of New Concord is so welcoming and caring. It definitely holds a special place in my heart!


Anna Dooley

Admission Counselor
B.A., Muskingum University, M.L.I.S., Emporia State University

What is your most prized possession? My most prized possession would have to be my cat, Camille. I adopted her in June of 2011, and she is my best friend. She is a 13-year-old Maine Coon, but she never got the memo; she has only ever weighed less than 10 pounds her entire life! I love watching her look at the birds and have the zoomies around my home. 
What is your favorite Muskingum memory? My favorite Muskingum memory would have to be the first time I sat in on Dr. Hilton's lecture before I transferred here. She made the class engaging and fun, and it ultimately was the determining factor for me to transfer to Muskingum. That first impression really sealed the deal for me to become a Muskie!


Alexandria Fraley

Admission Counselor / Transfer Coordinator
B.A., Muskingum University

Who inspires you? My brother. He is intelligent, funny, and my go-to person for all questions. Looking up to him throughout my life has been a great joy, learning what to do - and what not to do, ha-ha. I am deeply grateful to have an older brother who is fearless in his decisions and persistent in his goals.
What is your favorite Muskingum memory? Where do I begin? I would say that my favorite memory was every day in the History Suite. It was nice to relax with the professors and learn more about them. I also loved the chance to ask last-minute questions and to catch up with friends that I didn’t have a class with that semester. Muskingum truly is a family. My family. 


Theresa Hogue

Assistant Director of Admission Operations
A.A.S., Zane State College

What is your favorite activity? I love cooking and baking and being outside in my garden! I love being in the kitchen making something, whether it's my kids favorite dish or trying out a new recipe. We also have a large vegetable garden, a berry patch, some fruit trees, and many flowerbeds on our farm. I love tending to the garden, watching it grow, and preserving the harvest.
What do you like to do when you aren't at work? I am a mom to 3 very active boys! I love spending time with them and being involved in their interests. The boys are 4-H, FFA, and Grange members; pitch league horseshoes, play in their school's marching band, pep band, and jazz band, and participate in archery and baseball. We also have a farm with cattle, goats, chickens, rabbits, cats, and a dog. We are always moving! 

What do you like best about Muskingum? Seeing students, professors, and colleagues interacting together is amazing!


Qiao Keating

International Student Recruiter
B.A., Zhejian Normal University, Ohio University
M.A., Ohio University

Who inspires you? I had a visiting American professor who taught me when I went to college in China. He always encouraged me to take chances and see the outside world. He is my mentor and life-long friend. 

What are the best things in your life? Making changes in life requires courage, determination, and commitment. However, I believe changes can lead to opportunities and exploration of a new world, therefore I stepped out of my "comfort zone" and sought my dreams in America. What does not break me makes me stronger. As I reflect, I know my life is more fulfilled now. So allow yourselves to embrace the adventures.

Headshot of Alex Burton

Alex Burton

Coordinator of Admission Operations
B.A., Muskingum University

What do you like to do when you aren't at work? Outside of work, I like to go to the gym and play volleyball, I enjoy cuddling up with a warm blanket and read a book, but I also love to watch my favorite shows on Netflix. I also love to spend time with my family, friends, and pets as much as possible! 

What is your favorite thing about Muskingum? My favorite thing about Muskingum would have to be the amazing community here. Even as a student, everyone was so welcoming and nice, whether they knew who I was or not. They have all supported me from being a first-year student in college to becoming an employee at Muskingum. I would not be who I am without them.

Who inspires you? My mom and dad. Growing up, I was super close to them, I have been able to deeply appreciate everything they have done in life for me and my siblings, and for themselves. They have always shown me how to work hard and be a good person. I owe everything I have accomplished to them and their support, because they never stopped believing in me, and always pushed me to be better!


Zoey Stenson

Admission Counselor
B.A., Muskingum University

Who inspires you? My parents! Both of them have worked so hard to give me opportunities to expand my education, hobbies, and passions, and they have both taught me so much, especially generosity, selflessness, and kindness. They always go out of their way for others, and that is something that I now try to do. 

What is your favorite Muskingum memory? One of my favorite memories from being a student at Muskingum was all the opportunities to explore different interests. I got to take a wide variety of classes and joined all sorts of clubs like Student Senate and a sorority. These experiences really made my time at Muskingum so incredible, I always had so much fun organizing Brewed Awakenings and Homecoming events, I loved to help make the campus a fun and welcoming place to be!

How has Muskingum impacted your life? My whole path changed at Muskingum when I declared a major in History. I was looking for direction, and the History faculty helped me find my way. I learned so much about the world around me, and about myself. I got to enjoy so many out of the classroom experiences, build an incredible network, and find new passions. I really found myself and worked to understand my values and what I wanted in life during my time at Muskingum, and especially as a History Major. Being a Muskie has also granted me lifelong friendships, a wealth of knowledge, and so many useful skills. I am so proud to be a part of the Long Magenta Line, and I am even more happy that I now get to share the great things that Muskingum has to offer with others!

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