On Campus
InnovationMania brings excitement, entrepreneur competition to campus
The Ignition Program and students in a Business Seminar course partnered to host the inaugural InnovationMania on Dec. 4. The event consisted of the annual Shark Tub and a first-ever Innovation Challenge, open to teams of students led by members of the University faculty and staff.
The Innovation Challenge invited seven teams to present their idea, which had to be developed in 30 minutes, on how to efficiently use available land on campus that will benefit the University and New Concord. Attendees and Shark Tub judges placed votes on the best idea. The team Phi Kappa Lit, comprised of members of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and advised by Associate Professor of Political Science Brian King, won the Eddy Trophy for their idea of a public coffee house.
The annual Shark Tub challenged three student entrepreneurial groups to pitch their idea to four sharks, Ken Hasseler, Greg Adams '81, Associate Professor of Religion Melissa Conroy and Professor of Business Charlie Drubel. Jacob Milner, Dan Crites and Alex Laurenzi received the top prize for their custom shoe-sizing phone application, still in its development stage.
Watch the highlight video of the Innovation Challenge to witness the excitement and mania.