Minute with a Muskie

Amanda Mlikan
Class of '13
Amanda Mlikan

Amanda Mlikan graduated in December 2013 as a Digital Media Design major. She is currently working for the university's Department of Marketing and Communications.

Mlikan chose Muskingum because she “wanted to be able to grow independence away from home. I live about eight hours away from campus, so I wanted to be able to really take in what the college experience had to offer without being close to friends from home.” She also appreciated the student-faculty ratio and the opportunity to get to know both her professors and classmates.

Mlikan spent the summer of 2013 interning with another Muskingum alumna, Meryl Williams, ’07, on her news site, 60625. Mlikan explains, “I spent my summer writing articles, producing videos, taking photos, and creating logos and other graphics for the site. I was fortunate to not only gain more experience in the city and develop my skills as a writer and designer, I was able to work with Meryl and help her website get more "likes" on its Facebook page. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to work with a fellow Muskie, in Chicago of all places. Who would have thought?!”

Recent graduates may appreciate Mlikan’s advice: “Don’t be disappointed that you don't get [your] dream job as your first job. I had two interviews for a company that I really wanted to work for and eventually was turned down the position, but I was given great advice from Professor Drubel. To sum it up his long, thoughtful analogy, there are a lot of jobs out there, and it sometimes takes longer than expected to get the job you're meant for, so just keep trying. There's something out there for each of us.” Mlikan is currently working full-time at a background screening company, but her eventual goal is to work her way into marketing, advertising, branding, or broadcasting. She is also considering graduate programs. She says, “I feel that because of the opportunities I had outside the classroom with the extra curricular activities and on-campus jobs, my diversity will allow me to excel and become an asset for my first long term job.”

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