
Hansen, Barbara

Faculty & Staff

Barbara Hansen

Barbara Hansen

Interim Director of Graduate Teacher Education
Dave Longaberger Prof of Teaching & Learning & Dist Prof Ed
224 Library
Phone Number
Research Interests
Gifted Education
Rural Education
Appalachian Education
Educational Leadership
Ph.D - Ohio University
MA - The Ohio State University
BS - The Ohio State University

Dr. Barb Hansen teaches in the Education Department in both the undergraduate and graduate programs.  She serves as the Dave Longaberger Endowed Chair in the undergraduate area and teaches courses in ELA methods and courses for student teachers.  She has served as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, and high school/middle school teacher.  In the graduate program, she teaches courses for administrative specialist, principal, and superintendent licensure candidates.  Dr. Hansen is the Director of the Appalachian Ohio P-20 Council and the Executive Director of the Museum Association of East Muskingum.  She is an active member of the Ohio Deans compact and the Muskingum County Community Foundation.  She is an elected member of the Governing Board of the Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center.  When not at work, Dr. Hansen loves to play the piano, refinish antique furniture, and is an enthusiast and owner of vintage cars.

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