Academic Catalog

2021-2022 General Education Requirements

2021-2022 General Education Requirements

General Education in the Liberal Arts and Sciences Curriculum

The General Education (referred to as gen ed) Requirements at Muskingum University ensure the breadth inherent in a liberal arts education. A liberal arts education requires that students understand the foundations of knowledge and inquiry about nature, culture, self, and society; that students master core skills of perception, analysis, and expression; that students recognize the importance of historical and cultural contexts; and that students explore connections among formal learning, citizenship, and service to our communities. Students will take most of their gen ed requirements in their freshman and sophomore years, along with some courses in their major or other elective courses.

Core Requirements

Forming the core of the General Education Program are courses in communication in writing and speech:

1. Communication in Writing

This category is designed to develop the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in writing. Objective: Students will demonstrate effective communication through writing.

ENGL 121. Composition (3 hours) (Exempted with SAT W-620/ACT E-28)

Two writing unit courses (3 hours each), one at the 300- or 400-level. A “writing unit” uses writing as a substantial mode of learning and is identified in the Undergraduate Course Schedule listings on MuskieLink and in the MAP Schedule by the symbol # preceding the course title.

 2. Communication in Speech

This category is designed to develop the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in speech. Objective: Students will demonstrate effective communication through speech.

COMM 200. Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 hours)

Distribution Requirements

Students must successfully complete courses from at least 10 different prefixes (e.g. ART, PE, MATH) from the following Gen Ed categories.

3. Communication in a Global and Digital Age

This category is designed to develop communication and information-gathering skills through emphasis on a non-native language or other means of communicating in a technology-driven, global society. Minimum of 3 hours or participation in a Muskingum University-approved international program. Objective: Students will demonstrate effective communication skills in a non-native language or identify and use digital resources to communicate.

Computer Science 100: Introduction to Computer Science

Education 335: Educational Technology

French 111: Beginning French I

French 112: Beginning French II

German 111: Beginning German I

German 112: Beginning German II

Media 210: Media Literacy

Media 300: Visual Communication

Library 220: Beyond Google: Research Skills and Resources

Spanish 111: Beginning Spanish I

Spanish 112: Beginning Spanish II

4. Religious Understanding

This category is designed to develop an understanding of religious ways of life. Minimum of 3 hours. Objective: Students will explain how religious belief systems interrelate with human life.

English 245: Bible and Literature

Religion 150:  Biblical Theology

Religion 153: World Religions

Religion 251: The World of Islam

Religion 252: The Judeo-Christian Tradition

Religion 260: Introduction to Christian Theology

Religion 261: Women and the Bible

Religion 290: Topics in Religious Understanding

Religion 301: Old Testament Literature

Religion 302: History and the Bible

Religion 303: New Testament Literature

Religion 304: Jesus in the New Testament

Religion 342: Religions and Philosophies of Asia (cf: Philosophy 342)

Religion 356: Death and Dying in World Religions

5. Moral Inquiry

This category is designed to develop an understanding of the means by which individuals and communities evaluate and respond to ethical problems, both personal and social. Minimum of 3 hours. Objective: Students will formulate and justify a position on an ethical problem.

English 317: Journalistic Ethics

English 350: Morality and Literature

Philosophy 203: Introduction to Ethics

Philosophy 305: Biomedical Ethics

Philosophy 331: Environmental Ethics

Philosophy 343: Social and Political Philosophy (cf. Political Science 343, Sociology 335)

Philosophy 361: Topics in Moral Philosophy

Political Science 342: Ethical Issues in Politics

Political Science 356: War, Peace, and Security

Religion 253: Ethics, Reason and the Bible

Religion 393: Global Issues and Values

Sociology 369: Peacemaking

Sport Studies 355: Sports Ethics

6. Quantitative Reasoning (Exempted with SAT M-680/ACT M-28)

This category is designed to develop competency in understanding and using numerical concepts and methods. Minimum of 3 hours. Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of numerical concepts and use appropriate methods to solve problems.

Business 325: Statistics

Education 341: Assessment in Education

Health Science 304: Statistics for the Health Sciences

Mathematics 140: Practical Statistics

Mathematics 150: Quantitative Reasoning for the Liberal Arts

Mathematics 170:  Applied College Algebra

Mathematics 180: Precalculus

Mathematics 190: Calculus I

Psychology 231: Applied Statistics

Psychology 232: Behavioral Statistics

Sport Studies 105: Introduction to Sports Analytics

7. Scientific Understanding

This category is designed to develop an understanding of the natural world, the scientific method, and the forces and elements inherent in the natural order. Minimum of 7 hours. (Must include one lab science course and courses from two course prefixes) Objective: Students will describe scientific principles and apply methods of scientific inquiry.

LAB Courses

Biology 106: Contemporary Biologic Issues

Biology 111: Organismal Biology I and Biology 107: Lab I

Biology 112: Organismal Biology II and Biology 108: Lab II

Biology 121: Anatomy and Physiology I

Biology 122: Anatomy and Physiology II

Chemistry 105: Issues in Chemical Sciences

Chemistry 108: General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

Chemistry 111: General Chemistry I

Geology 101: Introduction to Geology

Geology 110: Environmental Geology

Physics & Engineering 101: Conceptual Physics I

Physics & Engineering 121: Classical Physics I

Physics & Engineering 150: Introduction to Astronomy     

Psychology 351: Advanced Experimental Psychology

Non-LAB Courses

Biology 100: Science and Society

Chemistry 101: Joy of Chemistry

Education 367: Science in Early Childhood

Exercise Science 336: Principles of Strength and Conditioning

Geography 120: Physical Geography

Geography 220: Earth's Climate System

Geology 105: Geohazards

Physics & Engineering 100: Physics for Video Games

8. Health

This category is designed to develop an understanding of important health issues and to foster choices for students’ health throughout life. Minimum of 2 hours. Objective: Students will identify and evaluate biological, psychosocial, and/or behavioral factors that influence health.

Education 215: Educational Psychology

Health Science 151: Global Health

Health Science 315: Public Health and Epidemiology

Health Science 345: Personal Health

Nutrition 131: Introduction to Nutrition

Nutrition 231: Nutrition Across the Lifespan

Physical Education 101: Concepts of Wellness

Physical Education 102-140: Physical Education Service Courses

Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology

9. Artistic Understanding and Expression

This category is designed to develop an understanding of the role of the arts in the human endeavor.  Objective: Students will perform, create, or interpret artistic works. One course from the following:

Art 112: Drawing I

Art 120: Three-Dimensional Design

Art 121: Ceramics I

Art 131: Sculpture I

Art 141: Photography

Art 151: Introduction to Art

Art 170: Graphic Design I

Art 350: Art History I

Art 351: Art History II

Art 352: Art History III

Communication 260: Oral Interpretation of Literature

English 260: Introduction to Creative Writing

French 350: Survey of French Cinema in English

German 350: German Cinema in English

Music 331: Brass Instruments

Music 333: Woodwind Instruments

Music 335: String Instruments

Music 341: Voice

Music 343: Keyboard Instruments

Music 360: Southeastern Ohio Symphony

Music 361: Wind Ensemble

Music 362: Concert Choir

Spanish 350: Hispanic Cinema in English

Theatre 151: Introduction to Theatre

Theatre 265: Design I: Explorations in Theatre Design

Theatre 275: Acting I

Theatre 350: History of Film

10. Cultural Diversity

This category is designed to develop an understanding of diversity (gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, etc.) in the contemporary world. Minimum of 3 hours. Objective: Students will recognize and examine the role of diversity in society.

Communication 340: Gender Communication

Communication 446: Interpersonal Communication

Education 112: Educational Implications of Diversity

English 235: Tradition of African-American Literature

English 387: Topics in Literature and Gender

French 211: Intermediate French I

French 212: Intermediate French II

German 211: Intermediate German I

German 212: Intermediate German II

Health Science 312: Social Gerontology

History 220: U.S. Women's History

History 271: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in the Americas

History 322: Gender and History

History 352: Latin American Film and History

History 356: History of Modern Africa

Philosophy 355: Comparative Philosophy

Political Science 131: Introduction to Comparative Politics

Religion 353: Religion and Gender

Sociology 101: The Sociological Perspective

Spanish 211: Intermediate Spanish I

Spanish 212: Intermediate Spanish II

Theatre 352: Dramatic Literature

World 200: Cross-Cultural Communication   

11. International Perspectives

This category is designed to develop an understanding of global societies, and a familiarity with patterns of social and political behavior in a comparative context, in order to lay the basis for responsible world citizenship. Minimum of 3 hours. Objective: Students will recognize and compare the social, cultural, and/or political patterns of global communities.

Anthropology 201: Cultural Anthropology

English 124: World Literature

Geography 111: World Regional Geography

History 110: Pre-Modern World History

History 111: The Emergence of the Modern World I

History 112: The Emergence of the Modern World II

History 260: The Cold War in the Americas

History 345: The Second World War

History 346: Southeast Asian History

History 348: The Western Impact on Modern Japan

History 351: Modern Latin America

Music 310: Excursions in World Music

Nursing 430: Perspectives in Global Nursing and Health 

Political Science 151: Introduction to International Relations

Sociology 350: Social Change in an International Perspective

12. Western Traditions

This category is designed to develop an understanding of social, political, cultural and behavioral dimensions of human existence in Western European traditions. Minimum of 3 hours. Objective: Students will describe and interpret the social, cultural, political, and/or behavioral dimensions of Western European traditions.

English 123: Introduction to Literature

English 231: British Literature to 1800

English 232: British Literature after 1800

English 394: Classical Mythology

French 123: Explorations of Francophone Literature in English Translation

German 123: Explorations in German Literature in English Translation

History 310: Ancient History

History 318: Nineteenth Century European History

History 320: Twentieth Century European Europe

Interdisciplinary 275: Arts and Humanities in Western Culture

Music 121: Introduction to Music

Philosophy 101: Introduction to Western Philosophy

Political Science 121: Introduction to Public Administration and Policy

Political Science 331: Politics of Western Europe

Spanish 123: Explorations in Hispanic Literature in English Translation

13. The U.S. Experience

This category is designed to develop an understanding of the United States, its institutions, customs, culture, diversity of people and resources, and challenges facing the nation in the contemporary setting. Minimum of 3 hours. Objective: Students will describe and evaluate how traditions, practices, or institutions address or inform the society and culture of the United States.

Communication 320: Introduction to Popular Culture

English 233: American Literature to 1865

English 234: American Literature after 1865

English 341: Nineteenth Century American Fiction

English 343: Modern and Contemporary American Fiction

English 351: Modern and Contemporary American Poetry

Health Science 301: The American Health Care System 

History 105: United States History to 1877

History 106: United States History since 1877

History 230: The American Civil War

History 374: Ohio History

History 380:  The History of the American Dream

History 385: American Environmental History

Interdisciplinary 240: Introduction to American Studies

Music 110: History of Popular Music

Nursing 460: Community Health Nursing 

Philosophy 353: Contemporary American Philosophy

Political Science 111: American Political System

Sociology 216: Social Problems in Contemporary America

Sociology 301: American Society: Class and Culture

Sociology 320: Racial and Cultural Minorities

Sequence for Meeting the General Education Requirements (Gen Ed)

During their first year, traditional students should take ENGL 121 Composition and COMM 200 Fundamentals of Speech Communication, which comprise the core. Some first year students may want to take a science course. Typically first year students concentrate on the gen ed requirements and take no more than one or two classes in their prospective major. After taking Composition, students must complete two writing unit courses, usually one at the 100- or 200-level and one at the 300- or 400-level. At least one of the two must be at the 300- or 400-level.

A writing unit class is one that uses writing as a significant part of the learning process, not courses that teach writing per se. Therefore, writing unit classes are not those with the word “writing” in the title. They can be identified by a # sign before the name of the course in the online schedule. For example, #Emergence of the Modern World.

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