Academic Catalog

Academic Standards Policy


Credit Hours Attempted Academic Warning Academic Probation Eligible for Academic Suspension
1st semester 1st year 1.5-1.999 cum GPA .7-1.4999 cum GPA < 0.7 cum GPA
2nd semester or 13-27 1.8 -1.999 cum GPA OR term GPA < 2.0 1.2-1.7999 cum GPA or two consecutive terms on academic warning < 1.2 cum GPA
28-59 1.9-1.999 cum GPA OR term GPA < 2.0 1.5-1.899 cum GPA OR two consecutive terms on academic warning < 1.5 cum GPA
60+ Term GPA < 2.0 1.8-1.999 cum GPA OR two consecutive terms on academic warning < 1.8 cum GPA



Academic Warning
Students who meet the criteria for Academic Warning are on notice that academic performance must improve to ensure successful progress toward graduation.  Students will also be placed on Academic Warning for earning a term GPA below 2.0, even if the cumulative GPA remains above this threshold.  Students on academic warning are expected to take advantage of campus support resources to improve academic performance.  

Academic Probation
Students who meet the criteria for Academic Probation are not progressing towards graduation due to failure to meet academic expectations.  Students on academic probation are required, as a condition of their continued enrollment, to meet with an academic coach to create a Success Plan which will detail a personalized plan to improve academic performance.  Academic probation is noted on the transcript.

Academic Suspension
Academic Suspension is a separation from the university for one semester as the result of academic performance that is significantly below expectations for progress towards graduation.  Academic suspension may be enforced or deferred at the discretion of the Provost and the Academic Standards Committee following consideration of student response to interventions.  Students placed on Academic Suspension may appeal this decision.   Suspended students may apply for reenrollment following completion of remediation activities during the period of suspension. 

Academic Dismissal
Academic Dismissal is a separation from the university for a minimum of two semesters as the result of academic performance that is significantly below expectations for progress towards graduation.  Academic Dismissal is reserved for students who have previously served an academic suspension and, upon return, are still not making satisfactory progress towards graduation despite continued intervention.  Students placed on Academic Dismissal may appeal this decision.   Dismissed students may reapply for admission after the minimum period of separation and upon demonstration of academic and/or professional success during the separation period.


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