Academic Catalog

Academic Integrity

Academic Dishonesty, and Plagiarism

Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are serious offenses at Muskingum University, and the instructors have the prerogative of invoking the severest penalty for an initial offense. Each department is responsible for developing its definition of plagiarism, but in general, plagiarism is the verbal, written, graphic, or three-dimensional presentation of borrowed material without citing its source. Students must cite all quotations, paraphrases, borrowed ideas, models, information, or organization of material. Students who are uncertain about the need for citation should consult the instructor for whom the work is being prepared. For a first offense, the minimum penalty for plagiarism and/or cheating is a failing grade on the assignment, paper, or examination; the maximum penalty is a failing grade in the course. In either case, the instructor should submit a written report of the offense to either the Office of the Provost or the Office of the Vice President for Graduate and Continuing Studies as appropriate. The student guilty a second time may be suspended or expelled from the University. Plagiarized work is filed in the office of the Provost or the Office of the Vice President for Graduate and Continuing Studies as appropriate. A grade given for academic dishonesty shall supersede any withdrawal. See additional information under “Order of Appeal.”



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