Emergency Response

Elevator Emergecy

If you become stuck in an elevator, stay calm and follow the instructions below.

  • Use the elevator phone or your cell phone to call Muskingum University Police at (740) 826-8155.
  • If the elevator you are in has no phone or it does not work, push the “emergency” or “bell” button until you hear acknowledgement that help is on the way.
  • First responders will attempt to speak to those in the elevator to determine exactly where the elevator is, how many people are in the elevator, and if there is anyone in distress.
  • Do not attempt to exit the elevator through a hatch or to pry open the doors.
  • If the elevator doors open, and the elevator is between floors, do not try to exit, unless a first responder has instructed you to do so. This is a particularly dangerous situation, as the elevator could move, endangering your life.
  • University Police will coordinate with Physical Plant personnel.
  • Physical Plant personnel and/or first responders will respond to the call and allow safe exit from the elevator.
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