Student Accessibility Services

Faculty, Instructors, & Staff Information

This is a resource page for the Muskingum University individuals providing accessibility supports for students taking in-person or online courses.


Student Accessibility Services strives to create partnerships with faculty, instructors, and staff to provide access for all students, not just students with disabilities. Students with disabilities have rights defined by federal and state laws which require institutions to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal opportunities. This includes any of Muskingum University’s programs, courses, and activities. 

If a student makes reference to or discloses a disability, please refer them to Student Accessibility Services. Students should be encouraged to email Faculty, instructors, and staff may also email Student Accessibility Services to provide information or concerns about students in need of services or supports. However, students must contact Student Accessibility Services to initiate the process of establishing services or supports. 

Faculty, instructors, and staff are responsible for providing the requested accommodations once accommodation notifications are made by either the student or Student Accessibility Services. If instructors do not provide the formally requested accommodations, the student has the right to take legal action against the instructor and/or Muskingum University. Denial of accommodations can be considered a violation of rights by the Office of Civil Rights. A student at no point should be discriminated against because of their disability. If instructors have questions about accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services.

Syllabus Statement

ADA and Student Accessibility Services (required by university and is not permitted to be removed)-updated 12/20/22

Muskingum University aims to create a learning environment that is accessible for all students. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, any student with a need for accommodations based on a temporary or long-term disability is encouraged to contact Student Accessibility Services to determine the reasonable accommodations that may be available. Students requesting accommodations will need to schedule a meeting with Student Accessibility Services and provide documentation supporting the need for the requested accommodations. Accommodations are not retroactive; therefore, students should contact Student Accessibility Services as soon as possible when accommodations are needed. Student Accessibility Services is located in Walter Hall, Office 26 and can be reached by phone at 740-826-8280 or by email at Additional information about services and supports can be found at

Online Accessibility Support

As Blackboard courses are being developed, revised, and reviewed, it is always important to consider the accessibility of the course and course features. The provided Online Accessibility Reminders can help provide some guidance geared to increase accessibility of your online content and materials. Please feel free to reach out to Student Accessibility Services with questions or to schedule a support session. 

Accommodation Information

At Muskingum University, students have the option to have Student Accessibility Services notify their instructors on their behalf or notify their instructors themselves. Every student is encouraged to discuss their accommodations with each course instructor despite their selected method of notification.

Official accommodation notifications are sent, to both students and course instructors, via email by Student Accessibility Services no later than two (2) business days following the add/drop date.

Though most students prefer notifications be sent on their behalf, some students wish to notify course instructors themselves. This means a student will need to share an official Student Accessibility Services accommodation letter with their course instructors in order to receive accommodations. Students who do not have an official accommodation letter, need to be directed to contact Student Accessibility Services to get an official accommodation letter. 

Academic and Classroom Accommodations

Liberal Attendance

If a student is eligible for Liberal Attendance (disability-related excused absences), they are strongly encouraged to have a conversation with each course instructor on what this will look like during the semester. After the accommodation notification is sent, Student Accessibility Services will send instructors questions on how this accommodation will look specifically for their course. 

If a student wishes to utilize their Liberal Attendance accommodation, the student must notify the instructor that they are using their Liberal Attendance. Ideally, the student will notify the instructor prior to the start of the class session. The words “Liberal Attendance” must be used in the communication to ensure proper notification of accommodation utilization. If a student does not notify their course instructor that they are using the Liberal Attendance, the course instructor is within their right to count the absence as a non-Liberal Attendance absence.

Preferred Seating

If a student has preferred seating, it can mean an ADA desk or preferential seating based on location is approved for the student. Please ensure the student gets the proper seating as designated in their accommodation letter. Most commonly this is described as student choice. 

Recording Class

Students that have the approved accommodation of recording class must sign a recording agreement that indicates proper use and disposal of their recordings. 

Access to Class Notes

Students with access to class notes can be facilitated via different methods. If PowerPoints are provided in advance, this is sufficient to meet accommodation needs. Assistive technology is a primary suggestion for access to class notes accommodation. If assistive technology is not an option for the individual student, Student Accessibility Services hires peer note-takers for the student. The method will be defined in their accommodation letter.

Assistive technology and the licenses are provided by the Student Accessibility Services. These methods include SonocentGlean, LiveScribe Smart Pens, OneNote, etc. These methods record lectures and follow the same procedures as the recording class accommodation. 

Alternate Format Course Materials

If a student has the approved accommodation of alternative format course materials, this means any videos, recordings, readings, handouts, articles, PowerPoints, etc., need to be in an accessible format. 

Information on how to convert course materials into an accessible format can be found below

One-sheet guide that will help you know how you can build accessible content for various formats: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDFs, and videos. Accessible Formatting Quick Guide.pdf Chart that explains accessibility guidelines, and why they are important. Accessibility Guide.pdf

If an instructor needs assistance converting course materials into an accessible format is encouraged to reach out to Student Accessibility Services via email at

Testing Accommodations

Students who have the testing accommodation of extra time should receive extra time on any quiz, pop quiz, exam, midterm, and final exam. 

In most situations, even if an instructor is providing additional time to all students, the Student Accessibility Services student will still receive their extended time accommodation on top of the additional time. However, there may be times when extended time is not needed. For example, when an untimed exam or quiz is open for a week, students do not require additional time to complete the assessment. If you have questions about providing extended time, please email

If an exam is to be completed online (Blackboard, Connect, Sapling, etc.), extra time can be added for each student who receives the accommodation. Information on how to adjust the test option on Blackboard can be found at the following link. Blackboard Help Center - Test and Survey Options

Student Accessibility Services Testing Center

Students have the option to have their testing accommodations be facilitated directly with the instructor or through the Student Accessibility Services Testing Center. 

The Accessibility Testing Center ensures testing integrity by using professionally trained proctors that facilitate testing accommodations as well as test monitoring. The Accessibility Testing Center provides security for all quizzes/exams as they are stored in a locked cabinet in the Student Accessibility Services office. ONLY Student Accessibility Services staff have access to the locked cabinet.

Students that wish to utilize their testing accommodations with the Accessibility Testing Center must notify the Student Accessibility Services via an online request at least three (3) business days before a quiz/exam. Two business days before an exam, Student Accessibility Services will notify course instructors via email with a list of students that have requested their accommodations. Please note that the notification email contains a link to the Faculty Testing Accommodation Request that needs to be completed within 24 hours of receipt to ensure that the student receives the appropriate testing environment. The Accessibility Testing Center is an extension of the classroom and Student Accessibility Services works to re-create the same testing scenario to provide the same equal access as students who are taking the quiz or exam in the classroom. 

If course instructors need to be contacted during the exam/quiz, they are notified via their preferred contact method supplied in their Faculty Testing Accommodation Request. Some circumstances that require course instructor contact include student clarification on instructions, questions, allowed resources, etc. 

Exams will be proctored in the Accessibility Testing Center if other students are being proctored in the classroom. The only exception to when a proctor would be assigned to a non-proctored quiz or exam is when a student requests a proctor reader or scribe. For exams or quizzes that are not proctored in the classroom (Blackboard exams that can be taken anywhere, take home exams, etc.), no proctor is required for students completing the exam in the Accessibility Testing Center.

In the event of or suspicion of academic dishonesty in the Accessibility Testing Center, Student Accessibility Services will gather as much information as possible and will report all information to the course instructor.  Student Accessibility Services and PLUS

Student Accessibility Services and PLUS

Student Accessibility Services and PLUS are two very different services within Muskingum University. Both services provide supports for students with disabilities and, therefore, are under the same department of Disability Resource Services. While under the same department, each meets a different need for students with disabilities. 

The Student Accessibility Services provide accommodations and supports for students with long-term (ex. specific learning disabilities, ADHD, mental health, etc.) or short-term disabilities (ex. concussions, breaks, surgeries, etc.). The accommodations provided by Student Accessibility Services can range from academic, housing, emotional, campus access, etc. Students must initiate a request for accommodations, provide supporting documentations to demonstrate need, and meet with Student Accessibility Services to be approved for accommodations. Once students are approved for accommodations, students are then required to request the use of those accommodations throughout the year. Accommodation use is not mandated or typically monitored. The student is responsible for utilizing the approved accommodations. The Student Accessibility Services is a mandated service provided to students as a direct result of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Services provided through Student Accessibility Services are free for any student to access.

The PLUS program offers students with long-term disabilities the opportunity to receive additional tutoring and supports as they progress through their academic career. Students interested in PLUS services, must interview and be accepted into the program based on their level of need, previous experiences and routines with learning strategies, and their level of commitment to participation. Students enrolled in PLUS have scheduled weekly tutoring sessions where they work on learning strategies such as time management, study skills, note-taking, self-advocacy, etc. Students enrolled in PLUS are charged a fee based on their level of support requested which is used to provide the hours of tutoring services from professional degree-holding tutors. For additional information about PLUS, please visit the following link. PLUS Program

Tip Sheets
Accessibility Concern Report

The Accessibility Concern Report is for individuals to complete if they have a concern about accessibility on campus, in classrooms, in housing, etc. Anyone is able to complete the form as needed. There are options to recommend that we follow-up immediately (e.g. student not using accommodations, student not connected with Student Accessibility Services, etc.) provide information for the record, and to provide suggestions for long-term projects (e.g. remodeling, procedures, policies, etc.). Please feel free to complete a report at any time that you feel that there is an accessibility concern.

Accessibility Concern Report

Please contact Student Accessibility Services if you have any additional questions or needs.

Student Accessibility Services contact information:

Phone: (740) 826-8280
Location: Walter Hall, Office 26

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