Education: Health Education

Education: Health Education Course Descriptions

200. Nutrition and Physical Fitness (3) provides both classroom and practical experience in the investigation of personal fitness and nutritional habits. Both exercise prescriptions and wise food choices are combined to promote a strong understanding of these issues as they relate to optimal healthful living and positive wellness.

345. Personal Health (3) studies the health problems and concerns of young adults in America today. Topics of study include stress management, emotional health, chemical dependency, sexual responsibility, physical fitness, heart disease, cancer, and communicable diseases. The primary focus is on prevention, with students being encouraged to make lifestyle choices conducive to lifelong wellness.

365. School and Community Health (3) studies health problems affecting entire communities and school settings, with particular focus on environmental issues, communicable disease control, and the risks of community living. The course shows how community and school action can work together to solve health problems. Special emphasis is placed on the role of public health agencies in health promotion and disease prevention.

380. Health Issues and Programs (3) provides both on- and off-campus experiences in the area of health promotion. Practical experience in a health agency in a variety of health settings is provided. In addition, solutions to real and current health issues are investigated.

400. Health Curriculum, Methods, and Materials (3) investigates the planning, organization, and use of instructional resources in the delivery of health education content and teaching strategies. Special emphasis is placed upon various types of curricular approaches that allow for teaching behaviors found to be conducive to learner achievement in health education

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